Wednesday 11 October 2017

The Five-Card Horseshoe Spread

This layout is a variation on the basic five card spread. In general, the definitions of the cards are the same in both layouts. 
It’s a good spread to use when looking for some quick answers. This spread is simple enough that it can be repeated several times to represent the different aspects of a problem.
  • Card 1: This card represents the querent’s present situation.
  • Card 2: This card represents the querent’s expectations about the situation. This may reveal things that the querent currently believes or hopes will come true.
  • Card 3: This card represents the unexpected. This card may reveal what is being hidden from you.
  • Card 4: This card represents the near future. This is what is going to happen in the coming days or weeks. These will be things that are just out of reach for the querent, but are approaching soon.
  • Card 5: This card represents the far future. This will reveal the long-term consequences of the situation.

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