Wednesday 11 October 2017

Five Card Money Spread

This layout is a modification of the basic five card spread. It is useful when you want to examine
  • Card 1: This card represents your current financial situation.
  • Card 2: This card will reveal if money is coming to you in the near future.
  • Card 3: This card represents opportunities that you may want to look at closer. These will be opportunities or situations that have the potential for you to have some financial gains.
  • Card 4: This card will reveal any people or projects that will help you financially.
  • Card 5: This card will reveal the outcome of your financial situation.
As you can see, the simplicity of the five card spread makes it the perfect Tarot layout for modification. You have the freedom to change the positions and descriptions of any of the five cards to better suit your needs.
 your current financial situation.

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