Wednesday 11 October 2017


There can be two different approach regarding delay in marriage/union -- those who want to marry but couldn’t get married after waiting for it so long and those who are not interested in marriage at all. So how to differentiate between self elected celibacy VS. Circumstantially denied marriage.
When it comes to Delay or Denial of marriage, Saturn takes the full credit of it. There are other parameters to consider too while analyzing marriage perspective in a horoscope.
Δ Shani & Mercury : The Neuters
ΔKetu / Rahu / Mars
Δ7th Lord
ΔKama Trikone in rasi & Navamsha chart (3-7-11)
ΔSignificator of marriage – Venus
ΔPlacement of Moon and aspects on it
ΔDasha / transit considerations
So it appears that, almost all the planets are capable of playing as spoiler, but still people are getting married everyday; all the wedding venues are over booked specially in India. For true denial, many of the above factors have to be in play. Just a single one being in operation is not sufficient. But again one has to consider the role of time, the society one is born in, the age of the native etc.
DOB : 25th September 1964
TOB : 10:40 am
POB : New Delhi.
First step is to analyse the Kama Trikon, and in this Horoscope ,
Kama Trikon in Rashi :
3rd house – Capricorn; lord Saturn is Retrograde and aspected by Rahu. Saturn is having nakshatra exchange with Mars. So the native had many unstable relations with girls from different caste/community. This also says he never approached suitable girl in a proper way. Either his choice of girl was never suitable for him or his approach towards were never that good to make it durable.
7th house – Taurus, Jupiter is Retrograde here.
11th house – Virgo ; Sun in it .Perhaps native always opted for very sophisticated girl who belonged to better social background than him. Lord Mercury is afflicted by Saturn & Ketu.
Kama Trikon in Navamsha:
3rd house – Libra ; Mars & Mercury two inimical planets sitting together made the mind more argumentative.
7th house – Aquarius ; Venus in it, where lord Saturn is highly afflicted by Rahu/Ketu
11th house – Gemini – Nil
••7th lord is in conjuction with 6th lord which is debilitated, moreover Venus is in Ashlesha.
••Lagna lord is in conjunction with 7th sitting in 9th house can give financial support time to time but for marriage definitely will have to consider it as negative placement.
••Moon is afflicted by Saturn and Ketu both in Rashi and Navamsha.
••There is an exchange between 9th and 6th lord where Lagna lord is debilitated. Which says the native had some huge debt towards women.
••Jupiter being Retrograde sitting in 7th house cause too much delay.
••7th lord Venus is having nakshatra exchange with eunuch planet Mercury.
••In Navamsha 7th lord Saturn is in inimical sign and badly afflicted by Rahu .
It says the native was not that keen on getting married or approaching any one openly in early age cause both his 11th lord Mercury and Moon are aspected by Ketu and Saturn that says reluctant or not much of desire for union.
••But as he crossed 30/35 or so his desire for marriage was too high. Rahu + Moon in Navamsha.
••If you find out the sublord of every planet, that is more interesting. everytime his 7th house getting activated by any planet, 6th house is also getting activated by same planet.
This Native moved abroad During his Rahu-Rahu period around 1994. Right now he is going through Jupiter Mahadasha, financially zero. So those who feel Jupiter always do better for them also this horoscope is the one to study better way. His recent bills were paid by a local church; and ofcourse still unmarried.
Main problem with the horoscope is 6th and 9th lord exchange where Badhaka involved, lagna lord debilitated. It says some huge past life debt towards fatherly figure or guardian. If no strong remedial measure is being done then it will get carry forwarded in next life

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