Tuesday 21 November 2017

Wife (Girl Friend) in Man Chart Astrology

Planet Venus represents wife or girlfriend in the men chart. In women birth chart Jupiter represent husband and Mars represents boyfriend because women life is different than men life.

Women are more complicated emotionally as compared to men. In society role of men is different than women. Due to this factor women may fall in love with men who is charming, masculine and handsome but these things can not fulfill the necessities of life therefore women marry men who can provide support and security in life. But for men this is opposite, they only want love from a women therefore for them girlfriend and wife are the same, because of this reason planet Venus rule both girlfriend and wife in a men chart or life.

A wife’s role in a man's life is to full his dreams and support him what he want do in his life and make his life better and help him in fulfilling his responsibility in life. By looking at the planet Venus position in the men chart we can predict about wife nature. 

We always attract what we are, not what we want. So a men will get a wife depending on the dignity of Venus in their chart. Following are the characteristics/qualities of wife depending on the placement of Venus.

Venus in Aries: If a man have his Venus in Aries he may attract a women who is very independent, aggressive ,stronger, very goal oriented, athletic in physics, very competitive in nature. This women is very impulsive in love, sexy and individualistic in nature. She is very adventurous and like to travel. They get a wife who motivate them in their life and dominating.

Venus in Taurus: If a man have his Venus in Taurus he may attract the women who is sensual, beautiful, and have nice voice. This women can be very demanding in luxurious things, stubborn, simple, practical and like to eat good food. They get a woman who is loyal in relationship and give security to them financially. These men purse women who are rich.

Venus in Gemini: If a man have his Venus in Gemini he may attract a women who is very talkative, intellectual, creative, fun loving and lively in relationship. They get a woman who like to write, very pleasant in talking, charming and expert in doing hand work like sewing etc. here  man get women who is very smart and very active in household work.

Venus in Cancer: If a man have his Venus in cancer he may attract a women who is very beautiful, emotional, sensitive, very social and can love them like mother. they get a women who like to nurture, cook, taking care for them. the women very good in taking care of kids. they get women very artistic in nature.

Venus in Leo: If a man have his Venus in leo he may attract the women who is very royal, extravagant, like to dress well, and attention seeking. the women very creative she can be model, in acting, and can be in fashion designing. the women can be public figure like in politics, kind of selfish and only about herself only. Here men need to be careful when they are choosing women in their life because here women want lot of appreciations and importance in a family..

Venus in Virgo: If a man have his Venus in Virgo he may attract the women who is very criticizing in relationship. although the women may be very intelligent and clean in habits but she complain a lot about everything, and in love if someone criticizes no one like this. the men should be careful in choosing women because the women may get very unromantic in love.

Venus in Libra: If a man have his Venus in Libra he may attract the women who is very balanced in relationship. the woman very romantic, hostile, nice in nature, and like to decorate the home. the women is good in all type of relationship, she makes harmony and peace at home. the men is lucky to have Venus in Libra.

Venus in Scorpio: If a man have his Venus in Scorpio he may attract the women who is very unpredictable, dramaful in emotions and very deep in relationship. the women can be very possessive, suspicious and very investigative mind into the relationship and love. Here the men get a woman who is in mysticism of life and kind of mysterious.

Venus in Sagittarius: If a man have his Venus in Sagittarius he may attract the women who is very philosophical, religious, spiritual and may be of different culture or religion. they get a woman who is very interested knowing about the different culture of the world. she like to mix with all kind of people.

Venus in Capricorn: If a man have his Venus in Capricorn he may attract the women who is very cold , conservative and backward in thinking. the women is very unromantic in relationship.they get a woman who is very structured and organized in nature. the women can be very hard working, career and reputation oriented. 

Venus in Aquarius: If a man have his Venus in Aquarius he may attract the women who is very unconventional, social, friendly and eccentric type of women. the women have have universal kind of thinking these women don’t think about themselves but think about others. they get a women who think to to for the world like activist in something. here men get a woman who loves animals and peaceful.

Venus in Pisces: If a man have his Venus in Pisces he may attract the women who is very spiritual, devoted selfless, and love for all kind of type. here Venus is exalted means Venus is full potential,the men get a woman who is very loving to everyone and have good sense good sense of behavior.

By knowing Venus position a man can know about his Venus energy and wife. Any planet sitting next to Venus or aspecting will change the behavior or qualities of the planet.

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