Saturday 11 November 2017

Method of knowing the state of Maha dasha Lord.

Graha Samayam (Planetary state)
While reading the effects of a Maior lord (Udu
Dashanath) it would also be helpful to know this additional
character obtaining from its state. Even here there
are different versions but the one I state below may be
taken as authentic, since it has proved to be true in all
cases. There are 27 states in all.
Method of Finding the State :
Count the number of Rasis from Mesha to Iagna
and again count the number of Rasis from Iagna to the
planet (Dasha Lord), birth position in Rasi Chart. Add
the two and multipty the sum by twice the number of
years alloted to the planet under Udu Dasha and divide
this productby 27 and consider the remainder. This
represents its state.
P.S. :- Do not take the literal meanings of these
effects. Interpret them to suit one's environments-
O7. Snanam (Bathing) .' Good issues : conjugal
happiness; respected by kinsmen; success in endeavours.
O2. Vasta Dharanan (Wearing Clothes).' Honoured
by King and Government; acquisition of money, clothes
and precious metals scents, perfumes and ornaments,
possessing good strength.
O3. Vibhutlti or Gandhalankaram : (Fame or Scented
Decoration).' State honours, happiness and mirth;
ability in work.
O . Shiwlingam or Pmia-Sathnam (Atunfr b wotsltip) :
Money through lands; acquisition of vehicles, happy
living; revered by kinsmen.
O5. Panchaksharijapam (Chanting of FIve letters) :
Acquisition of lands and money; trouble by Government
loss of money.
O6. Shfta Pooja (Worship offswara): Association even
with wicked men; love of people; monetary gains.
O7. Upasana or Yagna yathnam (Trying to perform
Sacrifice): Heart disease; educational discourses;
professorship, liver complaint.
O8. Vishnu Pooja (Worship of Vishnu God) :
Felicity, monetary gains through relatives and lands;
winning over enemies.
O9. Namaskar (Salutation ) Pleasing talk; good
vehicle, deceitful
7O. Giripradakshinam (Circumambulating the
mountain): Disease of spleen; diarrhoeic fever; trouble
from Government worship of Goddess Durga.
77. Rudra Pooja (Worship of Rudra) : Head of a
village or town or city; prosperity to wife and children;
increased financial felicity and happiness.
12. Athithi Pooja (Worship of Guests) : Showy
rajo gunam; acquisition of treasure trove, mantravadi (one
who knows to spell and chant.)
13. Bhojanant (MeaI time) : Bereft of rituals of his
caste and cosmopolitanism, teasing and hating others;
always sickly; unhappy.
74. Udakapadam (Foot of water pot) : Eating
prohibited food; enmity with relatives and friends.
15. Koparn (Anger) : Poverty, one who teases and
76. Tharnboolam (Chewing): Acquisition of clothes,
vehicles, money and good conduct, acquainting with kings and emperors.
Dexterity in speech and efficient
77, Aasthana or Detasabha (Assembly of Deities) :
Good heart; balanced conduct, indolent (Nidhani);
fructification of spells and chants (Manthra Siddhi),
helping nature, one of good morals.
18. I{irita Dharanam (Wearing crown) : Army
commandant, monetary gains, educated and renowned.
79. Rahas5am (Secretiue): Goodwords, secretive and
2O. Alasmm (Indisposition) z Lazy, dull and idle one
who knows shastras
27. Nrdra or Seshashayana(Sleepy): Adept in doing
other's work, highly lustrous and irritable, teaser of
mother, wife etc.
22. Jalapana (Drinking of water):, Enmity with his
kinsmen, elders and preceptor, sickly.
23. Amrithapanam (Drinking of Nectar) : Healthy,
happyvwife and children, affluent meals, revered by king
or Government.
24. Dhanarjana (Earning money) : Respectable,
wealthy, success in undertakings, multiple profiteering.
25. Ifirita Visarjana (Removal of crown):loss of profession
and status, unhappiness, rebuked by people and
discarded, respectless.
26. Athi Nidra ( Excessive sleep) : Thamasic
(madonmatta), crippled by rheumatism and livery diseases,
opposed by or opposing Government-Rajauirodhi.
27. Stee Santbhogam (Intercourse with a woman):
Highly lustrous and irritable, blaming others, vexed by

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