Thursday 9 November 2017

Problem related to Weak or malefic mars

Mars is our energy , efforts , will power, strength, stamina , passion , fire energy , fighting ability ,ability to take action , impulsivity , cuts, bruises, burns, red blood , accidents, weapon , male friends, technical skills , engineer , competition, soldiers,sports,athletics. Mars has a bilious (Pitta) temperament . It rules over head , bone marrow, bile , hemoglobin , gall bladder , muscular tissues, uterus , external sex organs , testicles .
----------~~Diseases signified by weak or malefic Mars~~----------
> High fever ;
> Smallpox ;
> Chicken pox ;
> Biliary Inflammations ;
> Diseases caused by heat , burns & cut ;
> Sudden accident & surgical operations ;
> Blood pressure problem ;
> Excessive thirst ;
> Blood disorders ;
> Hernia ;
> Anal Fissure & fistula ;
> Meningitis ;
> Itching of skin ;
> Miscarriages & abortions ;
> Excessive bleeding ;
> Mars also indicates head injuries ;
> injuries in fights ;
Other than diseases Weak or functional malefic mars can also create relationship problem with male friends & brothers , it also represents heavy enemy fighting war using weapons . As we know that mars is the significator land property & road so weak or malefic mars can also creates land property problem or even sudden road accident or surgical operations only if you are going through mars mahadasha or antardasha or pratyantardasha & that mars is very weak or debilitated in D1 , D9 , D27 chart & influenced by natural or functional malefic planets & if that mars is signifying kp houses 6 , 8 , 12 or 6 , 8 or 8 ,12 & also if that mars is transiting over a house with less than 25 points in ashtakavarga & mars is giving less than 4 points to that house then that house related dispute or accident or bad event must happen .
Note :- if that mars is also signifying kp houses 1 , 5 , 11 with 6 , 8 , 12 then you'll get recovered from surgical operation within few days if transit mars upcoming next houses ashtakavarga score more than 30 points or 35 it's called quantum jump of transiting mars from lower ashtakavarga house to peak ashtakavarga score house & mars must give more than 4 points to that upcoming next house & mars degreewise kakshya planet should give 1 positive Dot then all these problem will get easily recoverd like magic when mars transit over that high ashtakavarga score house at that right degree .

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