Thursday 9 November 2017

Problem related to Weak moon

Moon is our mind, emotional feelings, mother, motherly nourishment, homely environment, comfort zone . It controls over water or fluids in our body like blood , all juices & anzymes in the body , besides also representing the emotional mind & left eye . The moon in collaboration with mars controls the menstrual cycle of women.
----------------~~Diseases signified by weak Moon~~--------------
> Emotional disturbances ;
> Mental aberrations ;
> Psychiatric problems ;
> take advise from one person to other person but never get satisfied because native is confused in their mind , they can't think properly like what is wrong & what is right , judgement problem . Native having strong moon in their birth chart can easily convince you (weak moon) & you'll be controlled by others , without them you can't take any decision .
> Left eye diseases;
> Epilepsy;
> Fear from water & watery animals & wounds caused by the horns of animals .
> Menstrual cycle disorders ;
> Diseases of female reproductive system if venus is also involve with moon;
> Diseases of the breast ;
> Blood poisoning ;
> Phlegmatic disorders ;
> Tuberculosis ;
> Oedema ;
> Dyspepsia ;
> Vomitting ;
> Dysentery & Diarrhea ;
> Cold fever ;
Other than diseases Weak moon can also create problem the relationship with mother , home , homeland dispute , home environment disturbance , nutrition & nourishment problem , emotional problem , going away from mother or home or homeland. In kalapurusha chart , Moon is the lord of 4th house of land property & gets exalted in taurus sign which is natural zodiac sign of 2nd house wealth , family assets , savings . So weak moon or functional malefic moon or malefic planets influence over moon can cause dispute problem in your wealth & land property or chances of losing wealth land property only if you are going through moon mahadasha or antardasha or pratyantardasa where moon must signify - 6 , 8 , 12 or 3 , 5 , 10 or 7 , 8 , 12 through his starlord .

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