Thursday 9 November 2017

Nature & Physical feature of Spouse in astrology

You - 1st house of ascendant
Spouse - 7th house .
Venus - represents your spouse specially for male native chart , Venus is also karka or significator of marriage .
Jupiter - represents your spouse specially for female native chart. Jupiter is also the karka or significator of children .
So when we want to know about the details of spouse or your life partner nature & physical characteristics then we need to look at your birth chart 7th house condition like 7th house sign , 7th house sign lord sign placement condition & planets influencing to your 7th house & venus jupiter condition in birth chart then see jaimini DARA KARKA, DARA PADA , UPA PADA condition .
Dara karka :- planet is holding lowest degree in birth chart , signify all details of your spouse & relationship with your spouse.
Dara pada - arudha pada of your 7th house means outer image of your 7th house of spouse in society & relation with your spouse .
Upa Pada :- arudha pada of your 12th house of energy losses or outer image of your 12th house shows how much energy you've to loss , any kind of energy losses even energy losses after marriage because after marriage you've to give maximum energy with your spouse , spouse family & your children . This upa pada or upa pada lagna is very important to help you to get details of your spouse & spouse family .
~~~~~~~~~~~~@@KP astrology method@@~~~~~~~~~~
When you look at your Kp chart then sublord becomes very important specially planets & all your cusp houses sublords . As because we want to look at your spouse condition so 7th house cusp sublord becomes very very important & if you check then you can easily find out that your kp cusp sublord is getting changed from one planet to other planet within 1 to 4 minutes . So before Doing any analysis in Kp ,you must rectify your birth details with your all life events then only proceed for kp chart analysis. Anyway, I just follow this condition for spouse details which has already been given in the book of KP reader 4 by Guru ji K S Krishnamurti page number - 86 .
"The best & the most correct method of finding out the PHYSICAL FEATURE & CHARACTERISTIC OF THE LIFE PARTNER - Note the sublord of the 7th cusp . Find out in which sign the sublord is posited. The result depends on the nature of the planet & also the sign occupied by it ."

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