Thursday 9 November 2017

Problem related to Weak sun

Sun is the main source of solar energy, giver of light , heat , main significator of our soul or atma, ego , heart , self esteem , personality , father , creator , source , king , government .
Sun rules over heart , stomach , right eyes , bones .
----------------~~Diseases signified by weak Sun~~-------------- 
>Sun stroke ;
>Heart trouble ;
>Headache ;
>Blood pressure ;
>Sharp Fever & pain ;
>Weak Eye sight & eye diseases ;
>Bones ;
>Burns ;
>Diseases arising from the inflammation of bile like diseases of liver & gallbladder ;
>Stomach ;
> epilepsy .
Other than diseases Weak sun can also create problem the relationship with your father & Government issues or issue with your boss in office , low self esteem , ego hurt .

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