Tuesday 21 November 2017

Where To Find Wife (Venus) Astrology

Venus is the planet of love and relationship; it is girlfriend and wife for a man. There is clue in birth chart of man where he may meet or find his wife. Zodiac of the birth chart show the places of life according to the placement of Venus in which zodiac it is placed, there is probability for a man he can meet his wife there. 

Sign placement of any planets means nature of the planet and house placement means where the person can meet their spouse.

Venus in 1st house:
 if Venus placed in first house the man can meet his wife near the place their home, in any physical activity place like gyme ,dancing club or any sport activity. .

Venus in 2nd house: if Venus placed in 2nd house a man can meet his wife in the family gathering of any function, places where singing classes or performances, public speaking, cosmetology, beauty business, jewellery business, and any friend and family gathering.

Venus in 3rd house: if Venus placed in 3rd house a man meet his wife in neighbor and immediate people whom they meet in short distance travelings or in meetings. Hobby environment, passion environment like club, small local setting and self employed people.

Venus in 4th house: if Venus placed in 4th house a man can meet his wife in homely setting like in any party, or any restaurant and mother also can introduce to the wife.

Venus in 5th house: if Venus in 5th house a man can meet his wife in 12th grade schools, in entertainment event, political event, art gallery. They can meet place play area, entrainment, glamor, political discussion. It can be a party, affair, club, any place where you have fun.

Venus in 6th house: if Venus placed in 6th house a man can meet his wife in some kind of social serving events, non profit organization, through shelter places like you are working there place where you are helping someone, or helping animals, you may meet your wife there lot of obstacles and enemy, like in some protestation of something.

Venus in 7th house:
 if Venus placed in 7th house a man can meet his wife in any public place or gathering or in a courthouse. Generally man progress after marriage. Wife can be match maker, deal maker, litigation lawyer, interior decorator, a man get balanced and a beautiful wife.

Venus in 8th house: if Venus placed in 8th house man can can meet his wife in psychologist, healing, therapy area. He can meet his wife in any secretive place. Wife can be a healer or astrologer and interested in hidden side of life.

Venus in 9th house: if Venus placed in 9th house a man can meet his wife in religious place like temple, or in Library, any spiritual function, in long distance traveling and the person can be of different culture.

Venus in 10th house: if Venus placed in 9th house a man can meet his wife at working place or in organization meetings,. A man can meet his wife at workplace, business, corporate environment, government area setting, those places who have authority.

Venus in 11th house:
 if Venus placed in 11th house a man can meet his wife in social function, social setting, like a concert or business social gathering, in some conference, wife bring lot of gain.

Venus in 12th house: if Venus placed in 12th house a man can meet his wife in from foreign land or the wife reside in foreign land, distance places, they marry and move to foreign land,she can meet her husband some spiritual placer like meditation places. Man marry different religion women. 

Wife (Girl Friend) in Man Chart Astrology

Planet Venus represents wife or girlfriend in the men chart. In women birth chart Jupiter represent husband and Mars represents boyfriend because women life is different than men life.

Women are more complicated emotionally as compared to men. In society role of men is different than women. Due to this factor women may fall in love with men who is charming, masculine and handsome but these things can not fulfill the necessities of life therefore women marry men who can provide support and security in life. But for men this is opposite, they only want love from a women therefore for them girlfriend and wife are the same, because of this reason planet Venus rule both girlfriend and wife in a men chart or life.

A wife’s role in a man's life is to full his dreams and support him what he want do in his life and make his life better and help him in fulfilling his responsibility in life. By looking at the planet Venus position in the men chart we can predict about wife nature. 

We always attract what we are, not what we want. So a men will get a wife depending on the dignity of Venus in their chart. Following are the characteristics/qualities of wife depending on the placement of Venus.

Venus in Aries: If a man have his Venus in Aries he may attract a women who is very independent, aggressive ,stronger, very goal oriented, athletic in physics, very competitive in nature. This women is very impulsive in love, sexy and individualistic in nature. She is very adventurous and like to travel. They get a wife who motivate them in their life and dominating.

Venus in Taurus: If a man have his Venus in Taurus he may attract the women who is sensual, beautiful, and have nice voice. This women can be very demanding in luxurious things, stubborn, simple, practical and like to eat good food. They get a woman who is loyal in relationship and give security to them financially. These men purse women who are rich.

Venus in Gemini: If a man have his Venus in Gemini he may attract a women who is very talkative, intellectual, creative, fun loving and lively in relationship. They get a woman who like to write, very pleasant in talking, charming and expert in doing hand work like sewing etc. here  man get women who is very smart and very active in household work.

Venus in Cancer: If a man have his Venus in cancer he may attract a women who is very beautiful, emotional, sensitive, very social and can love them like mother. they get a women who like to nurture, cook, taking care for them. the women very good in taking care of kids. they get women very artistic in nature.

Venus in Leo: If a man have his Venus in leo he may attract the women who is very royal, extravagant, like to dress well, and attention seeking. the women very creative she can be model, in acting, and can be in fashion designing. the women can be public figure like in politics, kind of selfish and only about herself only. Here men need to be careful when they are choosing women in their life because here women want lot of appreciations and importance in a family..

Venus in Virgo: If a man have his Venus in Virgo he may attract the women who is very criticizing in relationship. although the women may be very intelligent and clean in habits but she complain a lot about everything, and in love if someone criticizes no one like this. the men should be careful in choosing women because the women may get very unromantic in love.

Venus in Libra: If a man have his Venus in Libra he may attract the women who is very balanced in relationship. the woman very romantic, hostile, nice in nature, and like to decorate the home. the women is good in all type of relationship, she makes harmony and peace at home. the men is lucky to have Venus in Libra.

Venus in Scorpio: If a man have his Venus in Scorpio he may attract the women who is very unpredictable, dramaful in emotions and very deep in relationship. the women can be very possessive, suspicious and very investigative mind into the relationship and love. Here the men get a woman who is in mysticism of life and kind of mysterious.

Venus in Sagittarius: If a man have his Venus in Sagittarius he may attract the women who is very philosophical, religious, spiritual and may be of different culture or religion. they get a woman who is very interested knowing about the different culture of the world. she like to mix with all kind of people.

Venus in Capricorn: If a man have his Venus in Capricorn he may attract the women who is very cold , conservative and backward in thinking. the women is very unromantic in relationship.they get a woman who is very structured and organized in nature. the women can be very hard working, career and reputation oriented. 

Venus in Aquarius: If a man have his Venus in Aquarius he may attract the women who is very unconventional, social, friendly and eccentric type of women. the women have have universal kind of thinking these women don’t think about themselves but think about others. they get a women who think to to for the world like activist in something. here men get a woman who loves animals and peaceful.

Venus in Pisces: If a man have his Venus in Pisces he may attract the women who is very spiritual, devoted selfless, and love for all kind of type. here Venus is exalted means Venus is full potential,the men get a woman who is very loving to everyone and have good sense good sense of behavior.

By knowing Venus position a man can know about his Venus energy and wife. Any planet sitting next to Venus or aspecting will change the behavior or qualities of the planet.

Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology

In Vedic astrology the Nakshatras, or lunar mansion, are related with the Moon journey in each nakshatra every day. The Moon changes signs (houses) roughly every 2.3 days, taking 28 days to move through the twelve signs of the zodiac. This gives two weeks for a waxing (bright half) Moon and two weeks for a waning (dark half) Moon.

There are 27 nakshatras some texts refer to 28 for specific spiritual purposes. They divides the 360 degrees of entire zodiac into roughly 13.2 degrees of arc per nakshatra. mainly planet moon residing nakshatras taken more importance because moon is mind and emotions, and mind and emotions play very important role in how we receiving the life and we are interacting with others. although any planet shows its specific effects when they come into specific nakshatra.

Every planet rules three Nakshatra


Sun Ruled Nakshatra


Krittika Nakshatra: Range 26° 40’ Aries to 10° 00’ Degree Taurus) 
Ruling Planet: Sun 
Deity: Agni, God of fire.
Symbol: flame or razor.
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon)
Animal symbol: Female sheep. 

Sounds: Aa,Ee,u,aye.
primary motivation: kama, desire.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: Range 26°40’ Leo to 10°00’ Virgo
Ruling Planet: Sun
Deity: Arayman, God of patronage.
Symbol: Bed or legs of a cot.
Gana (nature): Manushya (human).
Animal symbol: Male cow (bull)
Sounds: tay, to,paa, pee.
Primary motivation: moksha (spiritual liberation).

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Range 26°40' sagittarius- 10°00’ capricorn.
Ruling Planet: Sun
Deity: The ten Vishvadevas, universal gods. 

Symbol: Elephant’s tusk, planks of a bed.
Gana (nature): Manushya (human).
Animal symbol: male mongoose.
sounds: bay, bo, jaa, jee.
primary motivation: moksha (spiritual liberation). 

Moon Ruled Nakshatra


Rohini Nakshatra: Range 10°00 Taurus - 23°20 Taurus.
Ruling Planet: Moon
Deity: God Brahma, prajapati.
symbol: Chariot, temple, banyan tree.
Gana (nature): Manushya (human).
Animal symbol: male serpent.
sounds: oh,va,vee, vo.
primary motivation: moksha (spiritual liberation).

Hasta Nakshatra: Range 10°00 Virgo - 23°20 Virgo
Ruling Planet: moon
Deity: savitar, the sun God.
symbol: palm of the hand.
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: Female Buffalo
Sounds: pu, sha, na, thaa.
primary motivation: Artha, material prosperity.

Shravana Nakshatra: Range 10°00’ capricorn - 23°20' Capricorn
Ruling Planet: moon
Deity: Vishnu, Saraswati
symbol: An ear, Three Footprints.
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: Female monkey.
sounds: ju, jay,jo, gha.
primary motivation: Artha, material prosperity.

Mars Ruled Nakshatra


Mrigasira Nakshatra: Range 23°20’ Taurus - 06°40 Gemini)
Ruling Planet: mars
Deity: soma, the moon God.
symbol: Deer (antelope’s) head.
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: female serpent.
sounds: vay, vo, kaa, ke.
primary motivation: moksha (spiritual liberation).

Chitra Nakshatra: Range 23°20 Virgo - 06°40 Libra
Ruling Planet: mars
Deity: Tvashtar, the celestial architect.
symbol: pearl or bright jewel.
Gana (nature): rakshasa (demon).
Animal symbol: female tiger.
sounds: pay, poe, ra, ree
primary motivation: kama, desire.

Dhanishta Nakshatra: Range 23°20' capricorn - 06°40' aquarius.
Ruling Planet: mars
Deity: Eight vasus, deities of earthly abundance.
symbol: A Musical drum or flute.
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon).
Animal symbol: female lion.
sounds: gaa, gee, goo, gay.
primary motivation: dharma, right activity.

Mercury Ruled Nakshatra


Ashlesha Nakshatra: Range 16°40 Cancer -30°00 Cancer.
Ruling Planet: mercury
Deity: Naga God, the serpent king.
symbol: coiled serpent
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon).
Animal symbol: male cat.
sounds: dee, doo, day, do.
primary motivation: Dharma right activity.

Jyeshtha Nakshatra: Range 16°40 Scorpio to 30°00 Scorpio)
Ruling Planet: mercury.
Deity: Indra, King of the God
symbol: Umbrella.
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon).
Animal symbol: male deer or hare.
sounds: no, yaa, yee, yoo.
Primary motivation: Artha material prosperity.

Revati nakshatra: Range 16° 40' Pisces - 30°00' Pisces.
Ruling Planet: Mercury.
Deity: Pushan, the nourisher.
symbol: A drum, fish.
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: Female elephant.
sounds: de, do, chaa, chee.
primary motivation: moksha (spiritual liberation). 

Jupiter Ruled Nakshatra


Punarvasu Nakshatra: Range20°00’ Gemini - 3°20 Cancer.
Ruling Planet: jupiter
Deity: Aditi, mother of all demigods.
symbol: bow & arrow.
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: female cat.
sounds: kay, ko, haa, hee.
primary motivation: Artha, material prosperity.

Vishaka Nakshatra: Range 20°00’ Libra - 03°20’ Scorpio.
Ruling Planet: jupiter.
Deity: God of fire.
symbol: Archway, potter’s wheel.
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon).
Animal symbol: male tiger.
sounds: thee, thoo, they, tho.
primary motivation: Dharma, right activity.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Range 20°00’ aquarius - 03°20' pieces.
Ruling Planet: jupiter
Deity: Ajikapada, an ancient fire dragon.
symbol: Swords or two front legs of funeral cot, man with two face
Gana (nature): Manushya (human).
Animal symbol: male lion.
sounds: say, so, daa, dee.
primary motivation: Artha, material prosperity.

Venus Ruled Nakshatra


Bharani Nakshatra: Range 13° 20 Aries - 25° 40 Degree Aries.
Ruling Planet: venus
Deity: yama, God of death, sakti.
symbol: yoni (female sex organ).
Gana (nature): Manushya (human).
Animal symbol: male elephant.
sounds: li, lu, ley, lo.
primary motivation: Artha, material prosperity.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Range 13° 21 Leo - 26° 40 Leo.
Ruling Planet: venus
Deity: Bhaga, The God of prosperity, Shiva lingam.
symbol: Swinging Hammock,couch, two front legs of a bed.
Gana (nature): Manushya (human).
Animal symbol: female rat.
sounds: mo, taa, tee, too.
primary motivation: kama, desire.

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Range 13° 20’ Sagittarius - 26° 40’ Sagittarius.
Ruling Planet: venus
Deity: Apas, Varuna, God of rain,
symbol: Fan, winnowing basket.
Gana (nature): Manushya (human).
Animal symbol: male monkey.
sounds: bu, dhaa, pha, dha.
primary motivation: moksha (spiritual liberation). 

Saturn Ruled Nakshatra


Pushya Nakshatra: Range 03° 20’ Cancer - 16° 40’ Cancer.
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Deity: Brihaspati, lord of sacred speech,
symbol: flower, a circle, an arrow, the udder of cow.
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: male sheep.
sounds: hoo, hay, ho, daa.
primary motivation: Dharma, right activity.

Anuradha Nakshatra: Range 03° 20 scorpio - 16° 40 scorpio.
Ruling Planet: Saturn.
Deity: Mitra, radha, devotee of krishna.
symbol: Archway or Lotus flower.
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: female deer, or hare.
Sounds: naa, nee, noo, nay.
primary motivation: Dharma, right activity.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Range 03° 20 pieces - 16° 40 pieces.
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Deity: Ahir Budhayana, serpent or dragon of the deep
symbol: Twins, back legs of funeral cot, snake in the water.
Gana (nature): manushya (human).Animal symbol: female cow.
sounds: du, jham, jna, tha.
primary motivation: kama desire.

Rahu Ruled Nakshatra


Ardra Nakshatra: Range: 06 ° 40' Gemini - 20 ° 00' Gemini.
Ruling planet: Rahu.
Deity: Rudra, lord of storms.
Symbol: A Human head, teardrop.
Gana (nature): manushya (human)
Animal symbol: female dog.
sounds: koo, Ghaa, jna, cha..
direction: West.
primary motivation: kama (to fulfil own desire).

Swati Nakshatra: Range: 06 ° 40' Libra - 20 ° 00' Libra)
Ruling planet: Rahu.
Deity: Vayu, the demigod of wind, Goddess Saraswati.
Symbol: Coral
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: Male buffalo.
sounds: Ru, ray, raa, tha.
direction: North
primary motivation: Artha (Material prosperity).

Shatabhisha Nakshatra: Range: 06 ° 40' Aquarius - 20 ° 00' Aquarius.

Ruling planet: Rahu.
Deity: Varuna, God of the waters.
Symbol: An empty circle, a hundred physician, 100 flowers or 100 demons.
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon).
Animal symbol: female horse or mare.
sounds: go, saa, see, soo.
direction: south.
primary motivation: kama (to attain worldly ambition).

Nakshatra (Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha) Ruled by Rahu in Vedic Astrology


Ketu Ruled Nakshatra


Ashwini Nakshatra: Range 00 ° 00' Aries- 13 ° 20' Aries.
Ruling Planet: Ketu
Deity: Ashwini Kumaras, Physicians to the God
Symbol- Horse's head.
Gana (nature): Deva (God)
Animal symbol: Male horse
sounds: chu,chey,cho,la.
primary motivation: Dharma to fulfill duty.

Magha Nakshatra: Range (0 ° 00' leo - 13 ° 20' Leo)
Ruling Planet: ketu
Deity: pitris, protector of family.
symbol: palanquin
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon)
Animal symbol: male rat
sounds: maa, mee, moo,may.
primary motivation: dharma (fulfill duty)

Mula/ Moola Nakshatra : Range (0 ° 00' Sagittarius- 13 ° 20' Sagittarius ) 
Ruling Planet: ketu
Deity: - Nittriti, Goddess of destruction
symbol: tied bunch of the root, the tail of a lion
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon)
Animal symbol: male dog
sounds: yey,yo,baa,bee.
primary motivation: dharma, to fulfill duty.

Timing/Transits of Finding Love and Relationship in Astrology

You are just waiting, waiting and waiting.  There are some people who want to know about their timing of meeting the right person or when they will have a significant event occur in their life. In astrology there is time for every event to unfold. Timing in astrology means your planetary position alignment in such a way that there is chances of that, you May meet your boyfriend (lover) or would be life partner (husband).

There are mainly two main planets of relationship and these are Jupiter and Venus. Venus rules romantic relationships and Venus is a planet that helps to bring two people together into relationships. Venus also represent wife in man chart and Jupiter represent husband in woman chart. There are houses in astrology which represents love and relationship in the birth chart. 7th house represents physical union with someone. 9th house represent long term committed relationships like Marriage, and 1st house (ascendant) represents body of the individual.

Whenever the Venus is going to cross/transit the 1st house or ascendant, the ascendant represents the body in the individual of the person who wants the relationship. When Venus transit in 1st house or ascendant it bring love and relationship. This can be a very basic transit for love and relationships. As Venus is natural indicator for love and relationships. If Venus transit the rulers of the 7th, and 9th or it transit in the 7th and 9th house could also bring love and relationship. Seventh house represents connecting with others in a physical bonding and 9th house represents long term relationship. Whenever Jupiter and the lord of 7th house transits the first or ninth house this is more indicative of things like Marriage commitment, deeper and strong relationships. And if Venus or Jupiter itself rule these houses then it is a double significant of relationships.

Relationship is different for everybody because everyone has a different ascendant. If someone have Sun rule 7th the house and Saturn rule the 9th house. Whenever these planets cross the ascendant, this could also bring together to the person's partner. For Cancer or Leo ascendant people the seventh house Lord is Saturn. Saturn takes two and half years to get the result so that means that for Cancer and Leo ascendant; relationships are more long-term because Saturn is slow moving planet. By looking at the seventh and ninth house Lord will give you some ideas about whether you going to get good one or.....not.

In Vedic astrology there is divisional chart of every aspect of life. 7th and 9th divisional charts are for relationship and Marriage divisional charts. We can also check these timing in divisional charts also. Although it bit complicated but they work if the timing of birth is correct. If the Mercury is the 1st and Sun is the 7th house ruler that means is that both Mercury and Sun are also primary indicators of relationship.

Transits for love and relationship are complicated. Planets interaction by transits play very important role in giving type of relationship. For example when you have Venus coming together with Sun in transit, what it does mean? It could be overwhelming, confusing and mind boggling. And if Venus comes together with Mars in transit it could be very passionate or physical relationship etc.

If you start to map out these indications, it take some time to trace the transits as they moved and see when the bunch up (conjunction) together. You can judge that what type or important time for love and relationships coming in your life. 

Friday 17 November 2017

आदत बदलने से ग्रह भी अच्छे फल दे सकते हैं

आदत बदलने से ग्रह भी अच्छे फल दे सकते हैं !
1-मंदिर को साफ़ करते है तो बृहस्पति बहुत अच्छे फल देगा।
2-अपनी झूठी थाली या बर्तन उसी जगह पर छोड़ना -सफलता मे कमी।
3-झूठे बर्तन को उठाकर उचित जगह पर रखते है या साफ़ कर लेते है तो चन्द्रमा , शनि ग्रह ठीक होते है।
4-देर रात जागने से चन्द्रमा अच्छे फल नहीं देता हैं।
5-कोई भी बाहर से आये उसे स्वच्छ पानी जरुर पिलाए। राहू ग्रह ठीक होता है। राहू का बुरा प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता।
6-रसोई को गन्दा रखते हैं तो आपको मंगल ग्रह से दिक्कतें आएँगी। रसोई हमेशा साफ़ सुथरी रखेंगे तो मंगल ग्रह ठीक होता।
7-घर में सुबह उठकर पौधों को पानी दिया जाता है तो हम बुध,सूर्य,शुक्र और चन्द्रमा मजबूत करते हैं।
8-जो लोग पैर घसीट कर चलते है उन का राहु खराब होता है।
9-बाथरूम में कपडे इधर उधर फेंकते है, बाथरूम में पानी बिखराकर आ जाते है तो चन्द्रमा अच्छे फल नहीं देता है।
10-बाहर से आकर अपने चप्पल , जूते , मोज़े इधर उधर फेंक देते है , उन्हें शत्रु परेशान करते है।
11-राहू और शनि ठीक फल नही देते है जब बिस्तर हमेशा फैला हुआ होगा , सलवटे होंगी ,चादर कही , तकिया कही हैं।
12-चीख कर बोलेंने से शनि खराब खराब होता है और शनि खराब होने से जमीन जायदाद पर असर पड़ता हैं।
13-बुजूर्गों के आशीर्वाद से घर में सुख समृद्धि बढती है तथा गुरू ग्रह अच्छा होता हैं।
जय सिया राम.....

इन नियमों का पालन कर घर में खुशहाली लाएँ

इन नियमों का पालन कर घर में खुशहाली लाएँ…..
.• मकान के जिस कोने में दोष हो, वहां शंख बजाना चाहीये
.• घर में दुध वाले वृक्ष से गृहस्वामी फेफडे एवं किडनी के रोग से ग्रस्त होते है ।
.• घर में बंद पडी घडी भाग्य को अवरुद्ध करती है ।
.• पूजा स्थल में सुबह शाम दीपक जलाना सौभाग्य वर्धक है ।
.• पलंग के नीचे सामान या चप्पल रखने से ऊर्जा का बहाव अधिक होता है ।
.• ओफिस में पीठ के पीछे पुस्तक की अलमारी न रखे ।
.• मुकदमे या विवाह से संबंघित फाईल तिजोरी या लोकर में न रखे ।
.• पूजा स्थल के उपर कोई भी वस्तु न रखे ।
.• पूर्वज के चित्र पूजा कक्ष में रखने से घर में क्लेश एवं रोग होता है ।
.• घर में पूर्वज के चित्र नैऋत्य कोने या पश्चिम में रखे ।
• प्रस्थान के वक्त जुत्ते-चप्पल का नाम लेना अशुभ है ।
.• तुटा हुआ दर्पण ( आयना ) घर में न रखे ।
.• बेड रुम में डबल बेड पर दो अलग-अलग गद्दे रखने से तनाव एवं दंपति में दरार पडती है ।
.• बीम के नीचे डाईनींग टेबल रखने से उधार रकम वापस नही आती ।
.• शयन कक्ष में जल तथा दर्पण अशुभ है ।
.• छत पर उल्टा मटका रखने से राहु ग्रह कुपित होता है ।
.परेशानी आती है ।
.• भारी अलमारी या फर्निचर घर में दक्षिण या पश्चिम में रखे
.• शयनकक्ष, रसोई गृह एवं भोजन कक्ष बीम रहित होना चाहिए ।
.• तेजस्वी संतान प्राप्ति के इच्छुक दंपत्ति को एक थाली में भोजन नही करना ।
.उत्तर या पूर्व दिशा की ओर तिजोरी का पल्ला खुलना सबसे उत्तम है I
.• किसीभी कक्ष या शयन कक्ष में दरवाजे के पीछे कपडे आदि कुछ भी लटकाना नही चाहीये ।
.• सीढीयों के नीचे बैठकर कोइ भी काम न करे ।
.• प्रत्येक रविवार को बच्चों को दूध-रोटी और शक्कर अलग अलग या मिलाकर खिलाने से मेघा शक्ति बढती है
.• मुकदमा–विवाद या झघडे के कागजात उत्तर, पूर्व या ईशान दिशामें रखने से फैसले जल्दी आते है ।
.• शयन कक्ष में झुठे बर्तन रखने से कारोबार में कमी आती है और कर्ज बढता है ।
.• ईशान कोने में कचरा जमा होता है, तो शत्रु वृद्धि होती है ।
.• उपहारमें आये चाकु – कैंची आदि न रखे ।
.• एक ही लाईन में तीन व्यक्ति का फोटो न रखे ।
.• इशान कोने में वजन रखना अशुभ है एवं नैऋत्यमें जितना भार हो उतना अच्छा है ।
.• रसोई घरमें पूजा स्थान रखने से गृह स्वामी धोखा खाता है ।
.• धन तेरस को खरीदे गये या नये बर्तनो को घर पर खाली नही ले जाना, फल-फुल या मिठाइयां डालना, कुछ न हो तो सिक्के डालकर ले आनI
.• दो अंगुली से पकडकर नोट लेना अशुभ है, लेन-देन पांचो अंगुलीओ से करनी चाहीए ।
.• कार्यालय या ओफिस में आगन्तुको की कुर्सीयो से अपनी कुर्सी कुछ उंची रखे ।
.• हंमेशा शिकायत करने से – रोने से घरमें हानिकारक नकारात्मक उर्जा पैदा होती है
.• घरकी देहली के अंदर खडे रहकर दान देना चाहिये ।
.• स्नान कीये बिना दुकान नही जाना चाहीये ।
.• फोटो आदि को दक्षिण दिवार पर लगाना चाहीये ।
.• किसी भी शुभ चोघडीये में पीसी गई हल्दी में गंगा-जल मिलाकर मुख्य द्वार के दोनो तरफ ॐ बनाने से अनर्थ संभावना समाप्त हो जाती हैI
.• घरमें बिल्ली का विष्टा करना शुभ सुचक है ।
.• ईशान या उत्तर में तुलसी का पौधा लगाने से उधारी दूर होती है ।
.• धन प्राप्त करना हो तो दरवाजो को पैर से खोल-बंध न करे ।
.• शीशम के पन्नो को (पत्ते) सिरहाने रखने से स्वप्न दोष समाप्त हो जाता है ।
.• बुधवार को पैसे, पुस्तक, स्कुटर, पंखे आदि कुछ भी उधार देना नही चाहिये ।
.• दो दर्पण आमने सामने नही रखने चाहिये ।
.• अनजाने कुत्ते का पीछे आना शुभ सूचक है ।
.• चाय देते समय केतली या जग की नली महेमानो की तरफ रखने से आपस में गलतफहमी हो जाती है ।
.• नूतन घर में पुराना झाडु ले जाना अशुभ है ।
.• घर में चमगादडो का मंडराना या वास करना महा अशुभ कारक है ।
जय सियाराम.......

Thursday 16 November 2017

कुंडली में मंगल दोष लाता है वैवाहिक जीवन में दिक्कतें

कुंडली में मंगल दोष लाता है वैवाहिक जीवन में दिक्कतें:
मंगल और शनि दो ऐसे ग्रह है जिसके बारे में सुन लोग थर थर कांपने लगते है। एक शनि की कुदृष्टि और एक मंगल दोष दोनो ही मानव जीवन के लिए हानिकारक होते हैं।
कुंडली में मांगलिक दोष है यह जानकर ही लोग घबरा जाते हैं क्योंकि इसका प्रभाव वैवाहिक जीवन के लिए अत्यंत घातक होता है। लेकिन यह बात विशेष ध्यान देने वाली है कि मांगलिक स्त्री-पुरुष से विवाह होने पर हमेशा परिणाम अशुभ नहीं होते। जन्मकुंडली में पहले, चौथे, सातवें और बारहवें घर में मंगल ग्रह की उपस्थिति मांगलिक दोष का कारक है।
– विवाह में देरी होना।
– विवाह संबंध तय होने के बाद टूट जाना।
– विवाह में किसी प्रकार का विघ्न आना।
– शादी के बाद जीवनसाथी के साथ अनबन होना एवं संबंधों में खटास आना।
– मांगलिक दोषों का सबसे उत्तम और सरल उपाय है कि मांगलिक जातक को विवाह किसी मांगलिक से ही करना चाहिए। ऐसा करने से मंगल दोष का वैवाहिक संबंधों पर प्रभाव काफी कम हो जाता है।
– यदि कोई मांगलिक जातक सामान्य ग्रह वाले व्यक्ति से विवाह करना चाहे तो ऐसी स्थिति में मांगलिक जातक को ‘पीपल’ विवाह, कुंभ विवाह, शालिग्राम विवाह तथा मंगल यंत्र का पूजन आदि करना चाहिए। इस उपाय से मंगल का दोष जातक पर से उतर जाता है।
– मांगलिक दोषों से युक्त जातक को हनुमान चालीसा का पाठ एवं गणेश जी और मंगल यंत्र की पूजा करना लाभकारी रहता है।
– प्रत्येक मंगलवार व्रत रखें और हनुमान मंदिर जाएं। ऐसा करने से मंगल के प्रभाव को कम किया जा सकता है।
– यदि किसी मांगलिक कन्या का विवाह इस दोष से रहित वर से होता है तो दोष निवारण हेतु मंगला गौरी और वट सावित्री का व्रत सौभाग्य प्रदान करने वाला है।
– महामृत्युंजय मंत्र के जाप से सारे कष्टों का निवारण होता है।

कालसर्प योग शांति के उपाय

जन्मकुंडली में यदि राहू और केतु के बीच जब सभी ग्रह आते है तब कालसर्प योग बनता है ..
राहू का नक्षत्र भरणी है और इसका देवता ”काल” है तथा केतु का नक्षत्र आश्लेषा है जिसका देवता ”सर्प ”है इसीलिए इसे कालसर्प कहते है ..
कालसर्प योग के उपाय :-
१-शनिवार को कच्चे नारियल को तिल के तेल का तिलक लगाकर अपने ऊपर से सात बार उतारकर पानी में बहा दे.
२-कालसर्प योग के कारण यदि विवाह और संतान पक्ष पर असर पड़ रहा हो तो राहू और केतु के नक्षत्र की शांति करे .नवनाग पूजन करे और अपने घर के मुख्य दरवाजे पर चाँदी का स्वस्तिक चिन्ह बना कर लगवाये .
३-घर में मयूर पंख रखे और प्रातः उठकर पंख से अपने ऊपर हवा करे .
४-प्रत्येक सक्रांति को गंगाजल का छिडकाव घर के प्रत्येक कमरों में करे .
५-पंचमी का व्रत करे .
६-कालसर्पयोग शांति के लिए शिवार्चन और नाग स्तोत्र का पाठ करे .
नाग स्तोत्र -
अनंतं वासुकिं शेष पद्म नाभं च कम्बलम .
शंख्पालम कर्कोटकम कालियं तक्षकं तथा
एतानि संस्मरे नित्यं आयु कामार्थ सिद्धये
सर्पदोष क्षयार्थम च पुत्र पोत्रान समृद्धये .
तस्मै विष भयं नास्ति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत् ..
विशेष –
कालसर्प योग का प्रभाव जीवन में मिश्रित फल देता है ..कभी लाभ और कभी हानि. इसलिए कुंडली का सही अध्ययन आवश्यक है

Saturday 11 November 2017

Method of knowing the state of Maha dasha Lord.

Graha Samayam (Planetary state)
While reading the effects of a Maior lord (Udu
Dashanath) it would also be helpful to know this additional
character obtaining from its state. Even here there
are different versions but the one I state below may be
taken as authentic, since it has proved to be true in all
cases. There are 27 states in all.
Method of Finding the State :
Count the number of Rasis from Mesha to Iagna
and again count the number of Rasis from Iagna to the
planet (Dasha Lord), birth position in Rasi Chart. Add
the two and multipty the sum by twice the number of
years alloted to the planet under Udu Dasha and divide
this productby 27 and consider the remainder. This
represents its state.
P.S. :- Do not take the literal meanings of these
effects. Interpret them to suit one's environments-
O7. Snanam (Bathing) .' Good issues : conjugal
happiness; respected by kinsmen; success in endeavours.
O2. Vasta Dharanan (Wearing Clothes).' Honoured
by King and Government; acquisition of money, clothes
and precious metals scents, perfumes and ornaments,
possessing good strength.
O3. Vibhutlti or Gandhalankaram : (Fame or Scented
Decoration).' State honours, happiness and mirth;
ability in work.
O . Shiwlingam or Pmia-Sathnam (Atunfr b wotsltip) :
Money through lands; acquisition of vehicles, happy
living; revered by kinsmen.
O5. Panchaksharijapam (Chanting of FIve letters) :
Acquisition of lands and money; trouble by Government
loss of money.
O6. Shfta Pooja (Worship offswara): Association even
with wicked men; love of people; monetary gains.
O7. Upasana or Yagna yathnam (Trying to perform
Sacrifice): Heart disease; educational discourses;
professorship, liver complaint.
O8. Vishnu Pooja (Worship of Vishnu God) :
Felicity, monetary gains through relatives and lands;
winning over enemies.
O9. Namaskar (Salutation ) Pleasing talk; good
vehicle, deceitful
7O. Giripradakshinam (Circumambulating the
mountain): Disease of spleen; diarrhoeic fever; trouble
from Government worship of Goddess Durga.
77. Rudra Pooja (Worship of Rudra) : Head of a
village or town or city; prosperity to wife and children;
increased financial felicity and happiness.
12. Athithi Pooja (Worship of Guests) : Showy
rajo gunam; acquisition of treasure trove, mantravadi (one
who knows to spell and chant.)
13. Bhojanant (MeaI time) : Bereft of rituals of his
caste and cosmopolitanism, teasing and hating others;
always sickly; unhappy.
74. Udakapadam (Foot of water pot) : Eating
prohibited food; enmity with relatives and friends.
15. Koparn (Anger) : Poverty, one who teases and
76. Tharnboolam (Chewing): Acquisition of clothes,
vehicles, money and good conduct, acquainting with kings and emperors.
Dexterity in speech and efficient
77, Aasthana or Detasabha (Assembly of Deities) :
Good heart; balanced conduct, indolent (Nidhani);
fructification of spells and chants (Manthra Siddhi),
helping nature, one of good morals.
18. I{irita Dharanam (Wearing crown) : Army
commandant, monetary gains, educated and renowned.
79. Rahas5am (Secretiue): Goodwords, secretive and
2O. Alasmm (Indisposition) z Lazy, dull and idle one
who knows shastras
27. Nrdra or Seshashayana(Sleepy): Adept in doing
other's work, highly lustrous and irritable, teaser of
mother, wife etc.
22. Jalapana (Drinking of water):, Enmity with his
kinsmen, elders and preceptor, sickly.
23. Amrithapanam (Drinking of Nectar) : Healthy,
happyvwife and children, affluent meals, revered by king
or Government.
24. Dhanarjana (Earning money) : Respectable,
wealthy, success in undertakings, multiple profiteering.
25. Ifirita Visarjana (Removal of crown):loss of profession
and status, unhappiness, rebuked by people and
discarded, respectless.
26. Athi Nidra ( Excessive sleep) : Thamasic
(madonmatta), crippled by rheumatism and livery diseases,
opposed by or opposing Government-Rajauirodhi.
27. Stee Santbhogam (Intercourse with a woman):
Highly lustrous and irritable, blaming others, vexed by