Tuesday 3 July 2018

Rahu in 3rd house

Rahu in 3rd house :-
Rahu represents - the things which was unfinished in your past life but you wanted to fulfill it anyway any how at the end stage of your life & due to that strong desire you were again born to fulfill that unfinished desire in this present life signified by the house where rahu is placed in birth chart , So rahu is actually our obsession, desire,illusion, some craziness for unfinished goal , materialistic goal, foreign elements, electronics things, new age technology , magician , healer , researcher who think out of the box & it can also breaks traditional rules & regulation. Rahu wants all materialistic things , status , name & fame in most easy & shortcut way . So pretty much we've our own ambitious , dreams , desire , craziness due to this Rahu .
3rd house represents - your will power, strength, communication skill, acting, mimicry, sales, marketing, own self business, media, anchoring, writing skill, teaching, your siblings, neighbours, small group of friend network circle.
> So whenever rahu is placed in 3rd house , rahu brings his own significant qualities to the 3rd house & influence to your 3rd house matter & from the 3rd house rahu is aspecting to your 7th house & 11th houses .
> As we know that wherever rahu is placed that house related matted you've obsession , moho -maya- craziness & you are curious to know about that house related matter , so rahu in 3rd house means ketu in 9th house which represents that you've already experienced 9th house of higher knowledge through Guru or teacher or father , dharma , rules regulation , religious activity in your past life so these all are your accumulated knowledge coming from your past life due to having ketu in 9th house , so all these knowledge are subconsciously always active which helps to create strong belief system of your own dharma & you want to spread or communicate that knowledge through 3rd house of communication skill with the help of rahu .
> If no planets are influencing to rahu-ketu through aspect, conjunction & rahu- ketu sign lords are well placed in birth chart as well as D9 chart then they are very good to guide other as a teacher , guider , communicator , even also they are very good in sale marketing , advertisement , anchoring.
> As rahu is very clever who knows what to speak , when to speak, whom to speak at what time so that they can convenience others to make contract or business deal negotiation happen because from the 3rd house rahu is aspecting to 7th house of business & 11th house of huge networking circle , So that they can easily do sale , marketing , promotion , advertisement of their product through modern new age technology specially through online internet selling product like social networking site or online business website .
> Rahu performs excellent in 3rd house communications, sales & marketing , promotion , advertisement specially through modern new age technology or through internet . Example - 1) if rahu falls in 3rd house of gemini sign under ardra naksatra then it represents that spreading information through new age technology specially online internet , IT field work , online sale marketing , promotion , advertisement . Now 2) if rahu falls in 3rd house of libra sign under swati naksatra then online entrepreneurship business of modern new age technology product . Now 3) if rahu in 3rd house of aquarius sign under shatabhisha or pisces sign of uttrabhadrapada naksatra then it represents secret occult research or technical research work , physician , healer , doctor , medicine man , technical person , engineer , photographer , space researcher -engineer - pilot , automobile engineer , Electronics & communication engineer or telecommunication engineer , radar engineering ,computer programmer , hacker ,cryptography encryption and decryption, modulation and demodulation but you must check your 10th lord planet condition in birth chart as well as D10 chart .

> If rahu is placed in 3rd house & if 3rd house is afflicted by other malefic planets & if 3rd house got low SAV points & if rahu's 3rd house sign lord is badly placed in D1 or D9 chart & if all these condition are matched then it can create serious problem related to 3rd house matter like relationship problem with siblings , problem with your local friend circle , you may put your hardwork effort in wrong direction , native is good in written communication skill but faced problem in verbal communication skill or vice versa , you may ruin others reputation or others can ruin your reputation by provoking you so much that they can record your secret information audio - video or written information secretly to spread all these information to the open world to defame you through new age technology , as 3rd house rahu also represents online media , reporter , anchor even they can also spread either real information or fully fake information to the open world to defame others due to from the 3rd house rahu is aspecting to 11th house of huge networking circle. from the 3rd house rahu is aspecting to 7th house of marriage , business & relationship with others if 7th house is also weak then rahu can create marriage life problem or problem in business . If rahu is aspected by benefic planets specially jupiter then benefic planets can controls your rahu's malefic effect to some extend of those native whose 3rd house is weak as per ashtakavarga.
Thnx Regards

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