Tuesday 3 July 2018

Rahu in 1st house

Rahu in 1st house :-
Rahu represents - the things which was unfinished in your past life but you wanted to fulfill it anyway any how at the end stage of your life & due to that strong desire you were again born to fulfill that unfinished desire in this present life signified by the house where rahu is placed in birth chart , So rahu is actually our obsession, desire,illusion, some craziness for unfinished goal , materialistic goal, foreign elements, electronics things, new age technology , magician , healer , researcher who think out of the box & it can also breaks traditional rules & regulation. Rahu wants all materialistic things , status , name & fame in most easy & shortcut way . So pretty much we've our own ambitious , dreams , desire , craziness due to this Rahu .
1st house represents - you, yourself, your whole body,health,head , your personality , characteristics .
> So whenever rahu is placed in 1st house , rahu brings his own significant qualities to the 1st house & influence to your body , personality , characteristics .
> As we know that the things which was unfinished in your past life but you wanted to fulfill it anyway any how at the end stage of your life & due to that strong desire you were again born to fulfill that unfinished desire in this present life signified by the house where rahu is placed in birth chart . So when " RAHU IS PLACED IN 1ST HOUSE THAT MEANS KETU IS PLACED IN 7TH HOUSE " then in previous life, you gave so much time for others people even including your life partner , you had done so much work for others people , You served for whole mankind , you gave regular daily routine service to the other people, even you've done so much work for others freely which is not necessary for you & at the end of your life you got nothing or any recognition or may be you gave everything for others & at the end of the stage nothing is remaining for you to live or even at the end of the stage you did not give importance for your own health due to not having minimum money or anything which might help for your medical treatment & even nobody helped you at that time, So automatically you might be thinking like that " if I give importance on myself then I should not be experienced like this " & If you left this earth with this unfinished desire in your past life then definitely you'll again come in this earth or already born in this mayabi Earth with RAHU IN 1ST HOUSE to fulfill your own unfinished desire & this life you'll definitely give importance on your own->
Body ,
Health ;
Personality .
Leadership .
creativity .
Think out of the box .
Unique personality .
Reseaching ,
Healing ,
Magician .
> Due to ketu in 7th house so you've already gave importance to others in your last birth so in this life you may like those people who gives importance your ego , personality , health & sometime it may cause relationship problem with others if 7th house ketu's sign lord is not strong & no benefic influence over 7th house .
> Now from the 1st house rahu aspect to 5th house of education , children , love romance , creativity , artistic things . luck for gaining or losing money on stock market , politics . So if your rahu's 1st house placement is good with strong 5th house in Ashatakavarga chart specially 5th house should get more than 28 SAV points & 5th house lord should be well placed in D1 & D9 chart then you will get good result of all these 5th house related matter .
> Now from the 1st house rahu aspect to 9th house of higher learning education (sometimes foreign land education ) , law rules regulation , religious activity , maintain dharma , luck , relationship with guru , & different religious matter , temporary foreign settlement . So if your rahu's 1st house placement is good with strong 9th house in Ashatakavarga chart specially 9th house should get more than 28 SAV points & 9th house lord should be well placed in D1 & D9 chart then you will get good result of all these 9th house related matter otherwise you may get different result or sometimes problem .
> Now as we know that rahu behaves like the planet or gives the result like the planets to whom rahu is conjuncted with or aspected by , rahu own 1st house placement , rahu's sign lord planet & rahu naksatra lord planet's condition . So based on that rahu will give you result . We know that rahu is your illusion , desire , obsession so think like that you are wearing rahu's mayabi jacket & based on that rahu's all these condition rahu will act & you act like rahu . So sometimes ,you think or act or behave or even take decision for someone for something which may be not true or which may harm you . As rahu signify new age technology so rahu in 1st house also signify VR (Virtual reality) computer game or video or even technology which signify all these things which you may deal with or even that dreams which you always think that may not be the connected with actual real world or may be you think different way that normal people may not support you or may be you are trying to invent something using modern new age technology things through your own imaginary research field .
> Now Most important portion of this topic .. whatever I've written it may be true for lots of people or it may not be true for few peoples But how to decide what is the actual condition of Rahu in 1st house & rahu will give good result or not how to judge that ?
Answer for all people who has rahu in 1st house :- 
Still now We've just considered rahu in 1st house but all of the peoples whose rahu in 1st house must not necessary that all of them rahu must be placed in same sign under same naksatra on 1st house in birth chart .. So difference happen based on Rahu's 1st house sign placement on particular degree that degree is the actual word that differentiate everything of rahu's quality & based on that rahu will give result . So , " Rahu 'll give maximum result of his 1st house sign placement degree's naksatra lord planet condition " & Result will be good or bad decided by Rahu's sublord planet condition . Now we know that a planet will activate to give his result on his vimshottari dasha period . So try to remember & note down the events which you've already experienced in your Rahu mahadasha Rahu antardasha Rahu pratyantardasha period , If you did not go through Rahu mahadasha time period then definitely you've gone through Rahu antardasha rahu pratyantardasha of your particular running planet mahadasha period , So note down that mahadasha planet's Rahu antardasha Rahu pratyantardasha period's all events That is your actual obsession or desire of your rahu in 1st house condition & it's the ultimate truth of your real life which you've already experienced or will be experienced in this life .
Thnx Regards

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