Tuesday 3 July 2018

Rahu in 2nd house

Rahu in 2nd house :-
Rahu represents - the things which was unfinished in your past life but you wanted to fulfill it anyway any how at the end stage of your life & due to that strong desire you were again born to fulfill that unfinished desire in this present life signified by the house where rahu is placed in birth chart , So rahu is actually our obsession, desire,illusion, some craziness for unfinished goal , materialistic goal, foreign elements, electronics things, new age technology , magician , healer , researcher who think out of the box & it can also breaks traditional rules & regulation. Rahu wants all materialistic things , status , name & fame in most easy & shortcut way . So pretty much we've our own ambitious , dreams , desire , craziness due to this Rahu .
2nd house represents- our family, family lineage, value, asstes, savings, wealth, what type of food do we like, our food intake, our vocal cord, speech that is why 2nd house is most important for all singers.
> So whenever rahu is placed in 2nd house , rahu brings his own significant qualities to the 2nd house & influence to your 2nd house matter & from the 2nd house rahu is aspecting to your 6th house & 10th house . As we know that rahu likes materialistic things & rahu feels comfortable in aurtha trikona houses (although sign placement matters a lots) but rahu is actually amplifying all aurtha trikona houses qualities based on rahu's condition in 2nd house .
> 2nd house represents your family , family lineage whereas rahu represents your moho , maya , desire or craziness which was unfinished in past , so you want to fulfill it in anyway anyhow
& for that you can break any rules regulation . So it can represents you were born in a family where you've to maintain family lineage old traditional rules regulation but your rahu don't want to follow all these rules regulation meaninglessly because rahu also represents modern days new age technology who can't stick to old days rules regulation so native can break their family lineage rules regulation & try to live far away from family or it may represents that you've to maintain your parents rules regulation which you don't want to maintain , so you may leave your home environment to live away from your family separately & also rahu is a foreign entity who can bring you far away from your family . If rahu sign placement is good in 2nd house & 2nd lord is strongly well placed in birth chart then native can be the head of family member who manage everything for his family specially family assets & wealth .
> 2nd house is the house of you & your family assets ,wealth , savings whereas Rahu represents our desire , obsession . So it represents that native can face problem on money savings & management in his family at early age but there is always strong desire to manage money or earn more money or to save money & make your life secure because if rahu is placed in 2nd house then definitely ketu must be placed in 8th house which is the 2nd house of wealth from 7th house of others means others money where ketu is placed & we know that ketu is like flag or things which you've already accomplished or experienced in your past life , So 8th house ketu represents that you've already experienced how to manage others money for their life security & emergency purpose but this time your rahu wants to earn more money to manage your assets through yourself & make your life secure . If rahu sign placement is good & 2nd lord well placed in birth chart then this rahu can give you lots of wealth , assets & fulfill all kind of materialistic desire with name fame & status because from the 2nd house rahu is also aspecting to your 10th house of name , fame & career status .
> 2nd house represents speech , our vocal cord , food intake habits , So well sign placement rahu in 2nd house shows that native can be a good public speaker with having good voice & the way of expressing through voice is totally unique so that everyone can be impressed & praised them . It also represents native likes to taste different countries all kind of special foods BUT if rahu sign placement is not good & 2nd lord , moon & mercury are afflicted then there are chances of more telling lies, use of slang languages while speaking & they don't care about what they eat which may cause health problem because 2nd house represents our food intake & habits whereas rahu represents poison , snake bite , drugs , smoking & all kind bad food habits addiction . So,native should control their food habits.
> From the 2nd house rahu is aspecting to 6th house of enemy fighting , disputes , health diseases , court cases litigation & all kind of daily routine compitition . So if rahu sign placement is good in 2nd house then rahu the tricky magicians can give you gain or profit from your enemy fighting competition because only rahu knows when to speak - what to speak - whom to speak at right time to win the match , they have tremendous energy to solve any kind of disputes & giving service to 6th house of needy people , but if Rahu is badly placed in 2nd house & 6th house SAV points more than 1st house SAV points while ascendant lord has given less than 4 BAV points to 1st house of ascendant then at rahu dasha period native can face lots of unnecessary health issue which may not be diagnosed easily because rahu is a smokey planet that can't be identified easily , it also represents hidden enemy can harm your reputation which may cause court cases , rahu wants to show off more as they are richest person but in reality they are facing finance problem due to that they have issue on loans or debts .
> From the 2nd house rahu is also aspecting to 10th house of your career environment , name , fame , status in society . So if rahu sign placement is good in 2nd house then your rahu can give you career success name , fame , status in his dasha period but if rahu is not well placed in 2nd house & 10th house lord is badly placed in enemy sign or 10th house is afflicted by other malefics then native can face career problem as well as reputation problem in society .
> if rahu is placed in 2nd house then definitely ketu is placed in 8th house , So 8th house matter native had already experienced in past life that means native has knowledge of 8th house matter or he/she may be master of these house energy that means native has some past life connection of 8th house matter & 8th house represents all kind of underground thing searching , hidden occult subject searching , astrology & ketu ownself represents mystical occult subject , So due to having knowledge from past life so in this life they can easily comprehend astrology easily & on early age they will gain hidden secret astrology knowledge easily & if native jupiter mercury are strongly well placed & any how connected with 10th house scorpio sign or 8th lord has some connection 10th house of career then native will become great astrologer & his/her application of knowledge will become excellent . Great example -> Famous Astrologer Late sir B.V. RAMAN has ketu in 8th house & rahu in 2nd house , 11th house of gain of authority controlling lord guru jupiter goes to 10th house of career environment in occult hidden secret scorpio sign whereas 10th house of career environment controlling lord mars is conjuncted with -> a) 8th house of occult hidden subject controlling lord comprehensive intelligent mercury & b) 9th house of guiding others through love controlling lord venus in 7th house of dealing with others whereas their dispositor sun goes to 6th house of healing & solving others disputes through astrological knowledge .
(Note - for judging native career life you must do D10 chart analysis )
Thanx regards

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