Monday 8 January 2018

The OTHER REALM and 12TH house..

The houses from 1st to 11th in your horoscope indulge you in the never ending world of ignorance in a network of dual acts like - I, he, mine,I gained, he lost, that, this, pleasure, pain, happiness, sadness ,relationships, love, hatred, success and failure.
But the 12th house goes beyond all these false notions of subjects, objects and materialism and hence kaal purush has placed it as the last house so that the native after going through all above material experiences of life from 1st to 11th house which only gives you sorrow and struggle, finally realizes that all this is truly immaterial which only seems to be as real.
Just how the Sun appears to rise and set but actually it never does so and is constant at a place, similarly the soul signified by Sun in astrology ever exists and actually never dies or takes birth but only appears to do so in the form of birth and death.
When you sit for meditation, you can activate your 12th house and clearly see the things as they are, making you see the truth of the unworthiness of this unworthy life which only appears to be worthy due to taking shape into a solid reality. The 12th house contains all those things which are far away but also reachable -meditative powers, other realm, liberation, occult, mysticism etc.
The gain from the 12th house is your 1st house again because soul is the significator of the 1st house. When the truth is realized that their is some power which is infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent, ever existing, formless and limitless who we perceive in various forms and names as God, Lord, Vishnu, Jesus, Allah etc , there are higher chances of your Soul to merge with that super soul and attain Moksha.
"He is a liberated sage who is not swayed by sense pleasure and who is without motivation of sense pleasure and other incentives" : as said by Sage Vasishtha
"He who is liberated, even while eating, seeing, smelling and tasting is neither elated nor depressed and he neither hates nor is attached because he knows only the body senses are involved and he is aloof": as said by Lord Krishna

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