Sunday 20 August 2017

The Fool

The Fool

Carefree · Foolish · Important decisions · New beginnings · Optimistic

The Fool's Meaning

The Fool is a very powerful card in the Tarot deck, usually representing a new beginning -- and, consequently, an end to something in your old life. The Fool's position in your spread reveals which aspects of your life may be subject to change. The Fool portends important decisions ahead which may not be easy to make, and involve an element of risk for you. Approach the changes with optimism and care to gain the most positive outcome.


The risks you have taken and your original thinking have brought you success. By doing things in a new way, you have allowed for great potential.


At this moment, you are entering a new phase of life. The experience of this change may seem good or bad now, but its influence will be clearer in the future. Assessing the risks is crucial to making the right choice.


In order to succeed, you must find new ways to bring about the achievement of your goals. When the opportunity comes, you must be willing to shed old habits and if it never comes, it may be time to create it for yourself with new methods.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Fool represents new beginnings and carefree adventure. Though this card could indicate foolishness, it is more optimistic in the sense that it stands for pure actions and being free from the constraints of your present life. More than likely, there are important decisions coming your way, and the answer to your question is yes.

Key Dates, Timing, and Astrology.

No key dates: ruled by Uranus


In terms of finances, the Fool is an extremely positive significator. You can expect increase, and furthermore, you will find it in yourself to know that no matter what happens financially, that you will be all right and will "come out on top." Trust yourself, work hard, and you will do better than you expect.


It's possible that you'll be slightly accident prone when the Fool is appearing; be "present in the moment" and don't take silly chances. Overall, though, when this card appears your health is very likely to be on the upswing. If you're having health problems, you are very likely to find the people and items you need to make headway toward a full recovery. Positive thought is important and should come fairly easily to you now.


When this card appears, you are likely to have a desire to try out lots of different approaches to spirituality to see how they "fit." Nothing wrong with this exploration, however don't get too carried away in any one thing while you are "just shopping." This card can indicate a powerful need to get deeper knowledge about spirituality, and your friends and family may not understand where this is coming from. Regardless, you have to do what is best for you

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