Sunday 20 August 2017

Mahadasha , Antardasha , Pratyantardasha & Transits

The moment you were born that day , time & place are very important to create vedic birth chart ,divisional chart & through analysis of all these charts you'll get all details of your current runnning & future events prediction but there are another chart called tithi pravesha chart , yearly transits chart , recent planetary transits over your birth chart & moon chart are very important to pinpoint particular events year , month , week or even pinpoint to event day but finding all these are not easy because you've to check all these steps details correctly then only you'll get correct prediction of running year .
The steps to pinpoint yearly event :-
1st > Read birth chart , D9 chart & D10 chart fully to find out most dominant events condition or actually what does these 3 charts are indicating that you've to find out because in future you'll become or behave or experience the condition given in these 3 charts .
2nd > Check running vimshottari mahadasha lord planet condition housewise , signwise , nakstrawise in birth chart then check that planet condition in D9 & D10 chart even you can check that planet kp house significant through his naksatra & sub lord to pinpoint most dominant houses condition .
3rd > Check antardasha lord planet condition housewise , signwise , nakstrawise in birth chart then check that planet condition in D9 & D10 chart even you can check that planet kp house significant through his naksatra & sub lord to pinpoint most dominant houses condition.
4th > Check pratyantardasha lord planet condition housewise , signwise , nakstrawise then check that planet condition in D9 & D10 chart even you can check that planet kp house significant through his naksatra & sub lord to pinpoint most dominant houses condition.
5th > The house where mahadasha planet is placed in birth chart , make that house is to 1st house & shift all other houses with planetary details according to maintain their house placement sign in birth chart , Now read these newly created chart specially see antardasha planet house placement condition with respect to 1st house mahadasa planet , similarly check antardasha planet .
6th > Find out Kp significant houses of running mahadasha , antardasha & pratyantardasha planets then check are there any common houses or combination of houses which signifies common event through kp astrology & maximum times that event condition will be matched in vedic astrology way of finding event condition which I've already explained from step 1st to 5th.
7th > Once you get all details of events condition that are signified by mahadasha , antardasha & pratyantardasha lord planets then your next step is to check current running transits of planets over your birth chart specially mahadasha , antardasha , pratyantardasha , jupiter saturn double transits condition in birth chart as well as moon chart to confirm the event yearwise or even monthwise . we see moon chart to confirm how does all 9 transits planets are influencing to your mind so that you can take action in that current running year situation & birth chart for confirming the event which you'll get physically , so actually planets are influencing to your body , mind & based on that you'll do or create any karma(action) or experience good or bad events in this running year .
8th > You can check yearly tithi pravesh chart or monthly transit chart specially when transit sun'll change his zodiac sign from one house to another example yesterday 16th aug 2017 sun changed his sign from cancer to leo so check that day transit chart & note down the transit all planets details like transit planets natural karkatwa or natural significance , which houses that planets are controlling to birth chart & which houses they are currently running so transit planets brings that houses condition with his natural karkatwa or significance over that houses to give you event but never forget his natal placement condition with respect to that condition you'll get event result .
9th > Remember Transits the Celestial Delivery Boy & deliver the event which is satisfied by mahadasha , antardasha & pratyantardasha lord planets . If the event is not satisfied by these 3 dasha lord planets then transit never fructify or deliver the events but somehow if you get the event result then that event will not exist for long times because whenever that planetary transit will get changed then you'll lose that event result & that event may be good or bad it depends on mahadasha , antardasha & pratyantardasha planet even to get that event some favourable transit must happen to give you the event & then comes the main role of " ASTAKAVARGA CHART POINTS" .
10th > The year or month or week that you are expecting some event must happen which is signified by mahadasha , antardasha pratyantardasha planets & if that planets are transiting over the significant event related houses which has good askatakavarga score then event must happen & if these transit dasha lord planets are also giving positive bindu in bhinnastakavarga table then the event must be good .
Thnx regards
Vedic Astrologer Suneet Garg