Thursday 24 August 2017

Depression and astrology

Depression is very much related to moon, the karaka of mind. Recently WHO has also recognised depression as major health issue all over world. Let's understand through astrology. I am getting many queries on depression too.
The affliction of moon is the first and more most cause of depression. However minor affliction such as having birth on amavasya or moon debilitation in scorpion sign do not lead to depressive situation. If moon is heavily afflicted by Saturn and rahu, definitely it is alarming situation. Along with moon, sun which represents self- confidence is also placed in debilitated sign or associated with ketu can further deteriorate the situation.
Astrologically one has to strengthen moon and sun. The gemstones such as pearl and ruby can also be worn. But more importantly, spend some time in yoga and pranayam to overcome negative thoughts. If you are not happy, you can not make others happy.
I am sure, if you have depressive tendencies, you would find this combination.

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