Thursday 24 August 2017

मंगल अथवा कुज दोष का कुछ लग्नो के लिए अपवाद

कुंडली में मंगल अगर 1-2-4-7-8-12 भाव में होता है तो जातक या जातिका मांगलिक माने जाते हैं। ऐसे जातक या जातिका की शादी में सावधानी बरती जाती है। और अक्सर पंडित जी लोग, कुछ तो अज्ञानता, और कुछ लालच की वजह से यजमानों को डरा भी देते हैं। लेकिन जिन ग्रन्थों ने "मंगल दोष" का निर्धारण किया है, उन्हीं ग्रन्थों ने इसका परिहार भी बताया है, जो निम्नवत है। अतः इसे पढिये और स्वयं अपनी कुंडली में, मंगल की स्थिति के अनुसार निर्धारण करिये।*
*(फिर भी बात ना बने तो अपने मनचाहे ज्योतिषी को दक्षिणा देकर कुंडली दिखाएं)*
*1.मेष लग्न के लिए अष्टम भाव में वृश्चिक राशि का मंगल स्वराशिस्थ होने की वजह से दीर्घायु दायक होता है।*
*2. मिथुन लग्न के लिए अष्टम भाव में मंगल एकादश भाव का स्वामी तथा षष्ट भाव का स्वामी होकर अष्टम भाव में अपनी उच्च राशि का (मकर राशि) होता है तथा षष्ट भाव का स्वामी होकर "हर्ष" नामक विपरीत राजयोग कारक होकर दीर्घायु कारक होता है।*
*3.कन्या लग्न के लिए अष्टम भाव में मंगल दीर्घायु दायक होता है , क्योंकि यहाँ मंगल स्वराशी मेष का होता है।*
*मंगल अथवा कुज दोष का परिहार:*
*1. मेष राशि का मंगल लग्न में हो तो कुंडली में स्वत: ही मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*2. द्वितीये भाव में मिथुन या कन्या राशि का मंगल हो तो कुंडली में स्वत:ही मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*3. चतुर्थ भाव में मंगल यदि वृश्चिक राशि का हो तो कुंडली में स्वत:ही मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*4. सप्तम भाव में मंगल यदि वृषभ राशि का हो तो कुंडली में स्वत:ही मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*5. कर्क राशि का मंगल यदि अष्टम भाव में हो तो कुंडली में स्वत:ही मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*6. द्वादश भाव में धनु राशि में मंगल हो तो कुंडली में स्वत:ही मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*7. यदि कुंडली में राहु लग्न से केंद्र भाव (1,4,7,10भाव) में हो तो मांगलिक दोष का परिहार होता है।*
*8. लग्न से केंद्र में चन्द्रमा हो तो मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*9. मंगल के साथ राहु हो तो मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*10.गुरु की त्रिकोण दृष्टि अर्थात पंचम, सप्तम तथा नवम दृष्टि, मंगल पर हो तो मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*11.उच्च का (मकर राशि का) मंगल हो तो मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*12.शुक्र व चन्द्रमा लग्न से द्वितीये भाव में हो तो मांगलिक दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*13.लग्न का स्वामी हो कर मंगल, चन्द्रमा व शुक्र के साथ हो तो मंगल दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*14. जिस भाव में मंगल हो जहाँ से मंगल दोष उत्पन्न होता हो वहा शनि भी हो तो मंगल दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।*
*15. शनि की दृष्टि यदि मंगल पर हो तो भी मंगल दोष परिहार माना गया है।*
*लेकिन शादी-व्याह के लिये केवल "मंगल दोष" का कुंडली में होने से ना डरने की जरूरत है... और ना ही उसका परिहार हो जाने से संतुष्ट होने की जरूरत है। क्योंकि कुंडली मिलान में "दोषों" के परिहार के साथ साथ "अष्टकूटों" का पूर्ण मिलान भी अति आवश्यक है।*
*ऐसा प्राय: देखा गया है की जिन कुंडलियो में मंगल दोष नहीं था उनका भी वैवाहिक जीवन टूटा तथा जिनकी कुंडलियो में मंगल दोष था वे भी एक लम्बे दीर्घायु जीवन को पूर्ण कर सके।*
*अत: किसी भी पुरुष-कन्या के विवाह के लिए कुंडली की जांच मात्र "मंगल दोष" का होना या न होना पर न निर्भर रहे वरन यह भी देखा जाये की-*
*1. पुरुष या कन्या की आयु अधिक है या नहीं (आयुर्दय)यदि आयु पूर्ण है तो विवाह का सुख भी पूर्ण रह सकता है।*
*2.पुरुष और कन्या रोग मुक्त है या नहीं,कुंडली में जांच आवश्यक है।*
*3. विवाह के बाद आने वाली ग्रहों की महा दशा,अन्तर्दशा शुभ रहेगी या अशुभ।*
*4.कुंडली में संतान का शुख है या नहीं यह भी वैवाहिक जीवन के लिए आवश्यक है।*
*5.यदि लग्न बलि है तो समस्त सुख की प्राप्ति की अपेक्षा रखी जा सकती है।*

Saturn in 12 Houses

1st house: Usually sincere and seriousness in approach, lean and thin personality if not aspected by moon or venus, great name and fame in Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra; suffer from bilious and rheumatic diseases in old age, blessed with patience and persistence, strong inclination in government jobs, follows law of land, materialistic, play important role in progress of civilization. Afflicted Saturn can cause sick and chronic diseases, pray to lord Shiva.
2nd house: Stable wealth in own and exalted rashis, harsh speech, can bring bodily suffering in own dasha and antardasha, tooth diseases, hair fall, foul smell, gain from law and government if well placed, conjunction with Jupiter brings wealth through courts, gain through legacy, can earn wealth through public utilities, underground activities etc. need to be careful regarding wealth in Saturn antardasha.
3rd house : One of the best placement for Saturn, but may delay the speaking in childhood; confers lot of courage, name and fame, own business, may have only one sibling or no sibling, better progress after 35 years, differences with sibling, aspect on 9th & 12th house can cause numerous journeys, breathing problems, impartial and critical in opinion.
4th House: Enormous Land and property in Libra, capricorn and aquarius, gain through real estate, construction; own house away from homeland, mental peace is disturbed, strict mother, some or other misunderstanding in family, as 10th and lagna lord powerful rajayoga which can confer political gains, become minister, gets support from public in democratic country like India, dispute in acquired property.
5th house: Serious love affairs, failure in love affairs if conjunct with venus, more daughters, may delay child if aspected by malefics, aspect or conjunction with Jupiter bless the native with good luck, early progress in life, indigestion issues, do net get much benefit from share market, unnecessary stress which can deteriorate mental health, meditation can help, unless well placed, do not invest in own business.
6th house : Saturn being malefic usually give excellent result in 6th house, overcome enemies and opposition, excellent for career, usually involved in some kind of social service, help old age and underprivileged natives, can be a lawyer, court cases can not trouble the native, good health, foreign journeys.
7th House: unafflcited Saturn blesses with happy but unromantic married life, conjunction with venus can cause longing for pure love, can cause bodily sufferings and mental stress in its antar dasha, excellent for deals and partnerships, can bless with powerful status in society if rajayoga is formed, practical life partner, dutiful spouse.
8th House: blesses with long life, chronic diseases are possible, joint pains, fear of heights, conjunction with rahu may give fear of wrong medication, native is blessed with ancestral property, gain through insurance sector, oil and pretroleum sector, mining; native has patience to attain powers through penance.
9th house: Differences with father or gurus, visit religious places out of fear, maintains and implement law and order, judge, delays in Bhagyaodya, aspect on 11th indicates gain from father, numerous journeys in movable signs, promotes free lancing activities, offer free service in religious activities, fortune shines after 36 years.
10th House: outstanding career in libra, Capricorn and aquarius. Being karaka of career position of Saturn in 10th house becomes tricky, even minor affliction can cause unstable career, the settlement may delay. Unafflicted Saturn blesses with top government posts, wining of elections, gain of faithful servants, Saturn also forms Mahapurusa yoga in 10th house, appease Saturn for excellent progress in life.
11th house: Saturn does very well in house of gain (being upapachaya house), very strong network circle, friends in top government circle, gain through well thought investments, love affair with very young or old lady, windfall gains, investment in social services gives good return; name and fame in Saturn antardasha.
12th house: Can be miser, spiritual growth, helps in concentration, meditation, afflicted Saturn can cause problem from courts, isolation, loves solitude, chronic diseases, loss of bed pleasure due to separation, not good for love affairs, but excellent for Hath Yoga.

Depression and astrology

Depression is very much related to moon, the karaka of mind. Recently WHO has also recognised depression as major health issue all over world. Let's understand through astrology. I am getting many queries on depression too.
The affliction of moon is the first and more most cause of depression. However minor affliction such as having birth on amavasya or moon debilitation in scorpion sign do not lead to depressive situation. If moon is heavily afflicted by Saturn and rahu, definitely it is alarming situation. Along with moon, sun which represents self- confidence is also placed in debilitated sign or associated with ketu can further deteriorate the situation.
Astrologically one has to strengthen moon and sun. The gemstones such as pearl and ruby can also be worn. But more importantly, spend some time in yoga and pranayam to overcome negative thoughts. If you are not happy, you can not make others happy.
I am sure, if you have depressive tendencies, you would find this combination.

Planets and education

Gone are days when everyone and every parents wanted their children to pursue engineering and medical profession. Whether somebody likes to be an engineer or not .. he is engineer or doctor now but totally dissatisfied with his career and not giving his best in the profession.
Everybody is born here for some purpose. Planetary combinations can clearly indicate the type of education best suitable for him/her. 5th house the most important house in that regard. Check the house from lagna and mercury. The planets influencing that house gives the indication of suitable area of education. Below I am giving the planet and associated educational area. The child must be taught in that field for the best future.
Sun- mathematics, medicine, cardiology, administration, political science. With mars and Saturn- it can also indicate engineering
Moon- fine arts, music, painting, nursing, health care, hospitality & hotel management. Malefic association add scientific flavor.
Mars- technical field, arm and ammunition, military training, detective, cooking, mechanical engineering, manufacturing, with Saturn- civil, geology, surgery.
Mercury- business administration, commerce, media and communication, statistics, astrology, school teaching. With benefic- performing arts, with malefic - editing, cinematography.
Jupiter- biology, history, religious scriptures, sanskrit, management, banking courses, wealth or debt management if associated with mars, with Saturn- law, human resource
Saturn- civil, mining, factory law, labor law, public administration, geography, mechanical, social science, agricultural science
Venus- with malefic- animation, computer programming and customisation, music , dancing, fashion design ( mercury and mars), hospitality, gemology, beautician courses, airhostess
Rahu- engineering, programming if with mercury, international relations, foreign trade, political science, Research
Ketu- computer language, astrology, spiritual healing courses, psychology, psychiatry.

Istha-Dev analysis

Our chart can certainly indicate the suitable istha-dev. There are two methods. First one , find your atmakaraka and see it position in navamsa. 12th house from its position gives the indication of suitable istha-dev. The other method is assessment of 5th house. As 5th house is house of mantra, it is considered best assessment for prescribing mantras. The 5th house and its lord must be checked in both rashi and navamsa chart. 
In my opinion, 5th house gives clear picture. You can check up on your own. You may be surprised to know that you are already worshipping that diety. I am giving the list of planet and concerned diety
Sun- lord surya, lord rama, lord shiva
Moon- lord krishna, lord shiva
Mars- lord hanuman, lord karikeya or subramanian
Mercury- lord vishnu
Jupiter- lord vishnu, saibaba
Venus- goddess laxmi
Saturn- lord shiva, shani dev
Rahu- batuk bhairav, goddess durga
Ketu- lord ganesh

Transit of Rahu and Ketu 2017

In transit Rahu-Ketu are progressing to Cancer/Capricorn axis from 18th of august 2017 and they will remain in these signs for next 18 months. Definitely they are going to affect our destiny in some or other way. The predictions given here are based solely on the position of rahu and ketu. The modifications in results may occur due to combined transit of other planets. In this background the effect of transit for each moon sign is given here.
Aries- Rahu and ketu are placed along 4/10 axis for Aries natives which are houses of mental peace, mother’s health, name and fame and career. Rahu being in cancer sign in Kendra can help in acquisition of property and vehicle. However it can affect the mother’s health and mental peace is at stake. You may be over stressed because of high demand both at work and home. The change of house and transfer is also possible. Regarding career, you may find some difficulty in adjusting with work environment. The change in work assignment or position is also on the cards.
Taurus- Taurus natives are going to enjoy this position of Rahu and Ketu. Rahu is progressing to 3rd house of valour and self –effort. Hence rahu would impart lot of self-confidence in coming 18 months. You are able to execute the toughest decisions. This rahu can help in starting self-owned business. Ketu in 9th house is making you spiritual. You may visit pilgrimages or isolated places for mental peace. One can also question the prevailing religious and belief system. There can be health issues with father, if other combinations in the chart also support rahu/ketu.
Gemini- Rahu is going to fuel your desire for wealth in Cancer sign. Rahu being in 2nd house may offer several opportunities to earn wealth. However you need to be careful in choosing the right path. 2nd house being house of family, there can be separation from family for better earning. The diseases of mouth and teeth are also possible provided your 2nd house is weak. Ketu on the other hand, is placed in 8th house. These 18 months are best to learn the occult sciences. Ketu can give sudden interest in understanding the mysteries of life.
Cancer- Rahu/Ketu are along 1/7th axis for cancer individuals. This is directly connected with Lagna and married life. This rahu would bring mixed results. At one side, it would make you ambitious but on the other side can also cause confusion and indecisiveness. You have multiple plans which would waste your energy. Try to focus on one plan and pursue till end. This rahu can bring name and fame. If natal moon is weak, then one would have sinus and headache. Ketu in 7th house can affect partnerships, so do not enter into partnerships during this transit. Your emotions can be inconsistent that can affect love affairs. However this transit can also being marriage, so be ready for celebration.
Leo- Leo natives have rahu/ketu along 6/12th axis. Rahu in 12th can be boon for natives looking for foreign assignments. Rahu here is also aspecting 4th house of home. 12th being the house of addictions, one should try to refrain from any type of addictions especially who are born in purva phalguni nakshatra. You can have disturbing dreams which can also help you to evolve spiritually. Ketu in 6th house can help in defeating enemies. The service conditions are slightly challenging. One may try to help the needy spiritually.
Virgo- Again Rahu is progressing to a very powerful position for virgo natives. Rahu being in 11th house is promising enormous success in any field. One can get help from high officials. The network circle would expand. One can surely going to be benefitted from the investments. If this rahu is also transiting on natal venus, one can fall in love affairs. Ketu in 5th is good for computer and programming field. The natives can use this transit to get certification in new skills. Currently software industry is looking for new skills, this transit can be boon for virgo natives.
Libra- Rahu is moving in the house of career for Libra natives. 10th house rahu is very good for strengthening the career part. Your work would speak in coming 10 months. One would support from superiors, however the stress is at highest level. Ketu in 4th house is giving the solution. Make your home environment spiritual and dedicate some time on meditation. Regular mediation can help. Ketu in 4th is again not very supportive for mother’s health.
Scorpio- Rahu is connecting the occult thirst of Scorpio with religion in this transit. Rahu is moving to 9th house of long journeys and religion. There can be some differences with your father and gurus. One may use religion or customs for their professional advantage. Long journeys are on the cards. Spend long weekends for pacify your religious urge. You can also travel to foreign land. Ketu in 3rd is excellent for courage but relationship with sibling may turn sour.
Sagittarius- These natives have to fight against their inner fear in coming year. Rahu is moving to 8th house of secrets. You may be indulged in lot of secret activities which you can not disclose. Natives in the profession of hacking, detectives, forensic, mining, oil and petroleum are going to get the blessings of Rahu. One can also have windfall gains if supported by Vimshottari dasha. There is fear of snakes and wrong medication. Ketu in 2nd house may cause some difficulty on saving part.
Capricorn- Now Ketu is in lagna and rahu is in 7th house of marriage. Ketu is fiery in nature but Capricorn is a stable sign. So ketu is igniting some instability of thoughts. These natives can get opportunity to do something new and different from routine things. The spiritual fire may get ignited. If ketu is also transiting on natal mars, it can cause headache or minor injury. Rahu in 7th house is promising a good business skill. It can bring partners belonging to different religion or caste. Marriage or affair is also on the cards.
Aquarius- Ketu in 12th is strongest position for any kind of sadhana. So those who are looking for spiritual enlightenment, can surely get the benefit. It is now time to introspect the way of living. The expenses may go up. One can spend lot of money on charity. Rahu in 6th is again at the best position. You would vanquish your enemies both inside and outside of your body. You are able to defeat the inner fear and would take strong decisions. One would help the poor to gain social status.
Pisces- Rahu is going to 5th house for pisces natives. If natal venus or 5th lord is also placed in 5th house, one can have serious love affair in this transit. The education part may suffer to some extent because of wrong decisions. Hence it is advised to consider opinion of experience ones before choosing any subject. Ketu on the other hand is shrinking your dimensions. You would believe in working alone and would not ask for help. You would be looking for spiritual connections.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Sun in first house for Capricorn Ascendant.

Here, Sun has lordship over 8th house and rules over obstacles, inlaws, longevity, chronic illness, insurance money, inheritance and produce negative results most of the time.
Sun position in ascendant of Capricorn is not likely to produce a good effect and major reason here is malefic nature of planet Sun and its placement in sign if arch enemy Saturn i.e Capricorn.
Following results are likely to happen placement of Sun in the first house.
1.All kind health issues which can go undetected in beginning.
2.Bad attitude.
3.Bad married life.
4.Unpleasant looks.
5.Behavior issues.
6.Lack of confidence.
7.Less immunity
8.Bad relationship with the father.
9.Hidden affairs.
10.Lack of concentration.
Above stated results doesn’t look promising but this is what the truth is.
Personally, I have seen natives not doing well in their life with this kind of placement.
But things get improve if ascendant lord Saturn is well placed or 1st house is aspected by Yogakaraka Venus or even by 5th lord Mercury.
Still, if you have Capricorn ascendant with Sun placed in first house it is best to take care of health and try to rectify your behavior issues so that you can progress in life.
Always remember this what Jyotish is all about.

Sun in first house for Sagittarius ascendant.

Here planet Sun is lord of 9th house and rules over the father, luck, religion and all kind of auspicious ceremonies.
Sun placement in 1st house can be considered as auspicious and will result into following:
1.It will make native very lucky.
2.Will give gains from the father.
3.Well liked by teachers.
4.Will provide benefits from the government.
5.Will make native engage in auspicious ceremonies.
6.Will give a virtues Spouse.
7.Will lead to a happy married life.
8.Native will hold an important position in society.
9.Will be a follower of religion.
10.Native will be kind and charitable.
As you can see all sorts of positive results are likely to happen with this placement of planet Sun.
Now if Sun is associated with planets like Jupiter or Mars then above-stated results will be more pronounced and native will be wealthy and super successful.
Not to forget association of planet Mercury with Sun which will lead to Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga.
Same time there may be a situation where Sun is associated with the planets like Saturn, Venus or Ketu. In such case, positive results of planet Sun will likely to go less and native may face failure in his endeavors.
Overall a very benefic position which can lead to grand success if supported by auspicious house lords.

Sun in first house for Scorpio ascendant.

Here, Sun will be lord of 10th house and following significations will come under planet Sun.
2.Status in society.
3.Wealth of father.
4.Promotion in Job.
5.Maraka for the father.
Placement of Sun in ascendant can be considered as a good placement and will result into following:
1.Support from the government.
2.Attachment with the father.
3.Tall height.
4.Dominating spouse.
6.Coarse hairs.
7.Stubborn nature.
From above-stated results, you can easily make out that Sun results have variety in them and are mixed in nature. It is because Sun is a malefic planet in nature and it leads to some behavior issues with the native.
Though Sun association with planet Mars, Moon or Jupiter can bring very auspicious results especially with planet Moon which creates Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga.
Whereas Sun association with Mercury, Saturn or Venus will create all sorts of issues in native life.

Sun in first house for Libra ascendant.

Here, Sun is lord of 11th house and signify financial gains, friends, networking, fathers elder brother etc
Generally, Sun being lord of 11th house and placed in the first house should give positive results but here Sun will be debilitated and will not give many auspicious results unless aspected Yogakaraka Saturn or 9th lord Mercury.
Otherwise following negative results will be felt by the native:
1.Bad decisions in the career.
2.Unsupported colleges.
3.Bad relationship with the father.
4.Marital disharmony.
5.Bad attitude.
7.The tendency to cheat others.
Sun in the first house in its debilitation may also result in Neechabhanga Rajyoga and depending upon various factors there can huge benefits from this placement of Sun.
Overall Sun in the first house of Libra ascendant is not a supportive position and one should carry cautions especially in matters related to money.
1)Sun in libra sign in 1st house for Libra Ascendant is indicating native may have weak health. He may suffering from health problems. He will be lean and thin in physique. He has less hair. He may be suffering from head injuries. It may also cause neurological problems. He may be suffering from body heat or fever. He may has Pitta related problems. He may has eye sight . Overall it is indicating weak vitality.
2)Sun in libra sign in 1st house is indicating native may be fully materialistic. He will be very money minded. He has no morality regarding money matters. He will be greedy of money. He has always desires of wealth. He may has big expenses. He may be always in stress regarding money matters.
3)Sun in Libra Sign in 1st house is indicating native may be suffering from frustration. He has less self confidence. He may be wicked or mean person who has no morality. He will be jelious in nature. He may be wandering in behavior.
4)Sun in libra sign in 1st house is indicating native may be interested in living forigen place or others place. He may be involving in metals business such as gold, silver or copper etc. He will be sweet in speech.
5)Sun in libra sign in 1st house is indicating native may have not good sexual conduct. He may be interested in multiple relationship. He may likes others wives in comparison of his wife. He has ego problems with his wife. Sun in libra sign in 1st house may impact marriage relationship of native.
6)Sun in libra sign in 1st house is indicating native may be shameless and bold person. He may be criticizer in nature. He may be very egoistic. He has not a little bit passion. He doesn’t ready to tolerance a bit. He will be impatient. He is very selfish. He will be violentic in nature. He is more interested in punishment of other when they are in faults

Sun in first house for Virgo ascendant.

Here, Sun rules over the 12th house and gives amazing results for foreign-related affairs.But still, Sun will remain a malefic planet for them.
Sun in first house can give negative results like lack of concentration, wandering with no purpose, unnecessary expenditures, marital disharmony etc.
All above results seem to be negative but Sun can give positive results if associated with planet Venus and same time lord of first house i.e Mercury should be strong and well placed in the horoscope.Whereas Sun if afflicted by planet Mars then severe negative results are bound to happen.

1)Sun in Virgo sign in 1st house for Virgo Ascendant is indicating native may be handsome in look. He has natural charm or attraction on his face. He is very good in speaking and soft in speaking. 

2)Sun in Virgo sign in 1st house is indicating native may have weak physical strength. He has more feminine quality. He is not so much strength for hard laborious work. Native may has weak health. He may have weak vitality. He may be suffering from disease. He has lean or thin body so he looks tall. He may have less hair. He may be suffering from Pitta or kapha related disease.
3)Sun in Virgo sign in 1st house is indicating native may be interested in luxurious life and he expenses his money on luxurious or royal things. He may expense a lots on own self. He may be suffer5)Sun in Virgo sign in 1st house is indicating native may be very cleaver and intelligent. He may have many types of knowledge. He has good knowledge regarding tricks and calculations or scientific knowledge. But as Sun is 12th house lord so it is matters of investigation either he is able to use his knowledge or not.
4)Sun in Virgo sign in 12th house is indicating native may be fickle minded. He may be not good in determining any matters. Or in simple matters he may be suffering from confusion regarding decision making. He is clever in scribe or chamchagiri. He has habits regarding his perfectionism in any acts.
5)Sun in 1st house in Virgo sign is indicating native may be belong to hospital industry or medical stream.
6)Sun in 1st house in Virgo sign is indicating native may be very imaginative. He may have sleeping problems. Such as either he is more sleeping or less sleeping. He may has hot temper. He is impatient. He is very independent. He is full with ego.
7)Sun in Virgo sign in 1st house is indicating native may be kind and nobel. He may be modern. He is active. He has nature to punish others regarding their faults. Native may be more interested in forigen matters. He may go to forigen place.

Sun in first house for Aquarius ascendant.

Here Sun is lord of 7th house and will aspect its own sign which is Leo which means marriage will be happy and native is likely to have a love marriage, where the spouse will be from good status and native us likely to gain from the spouse.
Sun in first house will make native very confident though ego can be a deal breaker here.
There are good chances of getting success in business with this placement of Sun and association of planets like Venus and Mercury will lead to Rajyoga for them.
Planet Sun as stated in beginning is a hot planet and gives tall height but less hair on the head. This rule is fully applicable here unless 1st house and its lord are associated with Venus.
Overall here Sun in first is a good placement and leads to success in both material and relations.

Monday 21 August 2017

12 अचूक उपाय जो बदल दे आपका भाग्य

तेल शनि से सम्बंधित पदार्थ है | तेल का हमारे जीवन मे बहुत बड़ा योगदान है | तेल के कई फायदे भी है और नुक्सान भी |
चमेली का तेल :-
चमेली के तेल को हर मंगलवार या शनिवार को सिन्दूर और चमेली का तेल अर्पित करना चाहिए। नियमित रूप से हनुमान को धुप-अगरबत्ती लगाना चाहिए।  हार-फुल अर्पित करना चाहिए ।  हनुमान जी को चमेली के तेल का दीपक नहीं लगाया जाता बल्कि तेल उनके शरीर पर लगाया जाता है।  ऐसा करने पर सभी तरह की मनोकामना पूर्ण हो जाती है ।
सरसों का तेल :-
एक कटोरी मे सरसों का तेल लेकर उसमे अपनी छाया देखकर उसे शनिवार के दिन शाम को शनिदेव के मंदिर रख आए ।  इसके अलावा आप अलग से शनिदेव का तेल चड़ा भी सकते है  । इस उपाय से आपके ऊपर शनिदेव की क्रपा बनी रहेगी ।
 तिल का तेल :-
तिल के तेल का दीपक 41 दिन लगातार पीपल के नीचे प्रज्वलित करने से असाध्य रोगों मे अभूतपूर्व लाभ मिलता है और रोगी स्वस्थ हो जाता है। भिन्न – भिन्न साधनाओ व सिद्धियों को प्राप्त करने के लिए भी पीपल के नीचे दीपक प्रज्वलित किए जाने का विधान है ।
शारीरिक कष्ट दूर करने के लिए :-
शनिवार को सवा किलो आलू और बेंगन की सब्जी सरसों के तेल मे बनाए । उतनी ही पुरियां सरसों के तेल मे बनाकर अंधे , लंगडे व गरीब लोगो को यह भोजन खिलाए । ऐसा कम से कम 3 शनिवार करेंगे तो शरिर्रिक कष्ठ दूर हो जाएंगा ।
दुर्भाग्य से पिछा छुड़ाने का उपाय :-
सरसों के तेल मे सिके गेंहू के आटे व पुराने गुढ़ से तैयार सात पूए, सात मदार (आक) के फुल , सिन्दूर , आटें से तैयार सरसों के तेल का दीपक , पत्तल या अरंडी के पत्ते पर रखकर शनिवार की रात मे किसी चौराहे पर रखकर कहे – ‘हे मेरे दुर्भाग्य , तुझे यही छोडे जा रहा हु , क्रपा करके मेरा पीछा ना करना ।  सामान रखकर पीछे मुड़कर न देखे ।
धन – समृद्धि हेतु :-
कच्ची घानी के तेल के दीपक मे लौंग डालकर हनुमानजी की आरती करे  । अनिष्ट दूर होगा और धन भी प्राप्त होगा ।
सुख – शांति हेतु :-
खुशहाल पारिवारिक जीवन के लिए किसी भी आश्रम मे कुछ आटा और सरसों का तेल दान करे ।
नया घर चाहिए तो करे ये उपाय :-
शमी के पौधे के पास लोहे के दीये मे तिल के तेल मे सरसों का तेल मिलाकर काले धागे की बत्ती जलाए । दीये का मुख 4 दिशाओ और 4 कोणों सहित आठों दिशाओं मे करे ।  फिर दीये को जल मे प्रवाहित कर दें।  यह कार्य 27 शनिवार तक करेंगे तो निश्चित ही आप नए घर मे प्रवेश कर जाएंगे ।
शराब छुडवाने का उपाय :-
एक शराब की बोतल किसी शनिवार को शराब पीने वाले के सो जाने के बाद, उसके ऊपर से 21 बार वार ले।  फिर उस बोतल के साथ किसी अन्य बोतल में 800 ग्राम सरसों का तेल लेकर आपस मे मिला ले और किसी बहते हुए पानी के किनारे उल्टा गाड दें, जिससे बोतलों के ऊपर से जल बहता रहे ।  यह उपाए किसी लाल किताब के विशेषज्ञ से पूछकर ही करे।
मंदी से छुटकारा पाने के लिए :-
अगर आपके व्यापार या नौकरी में मंदी का दौर चल रहा है तो आप किसी साफ़ शीशी मे सरसों का तेल भरकर उस शीशी को किसी तालाब या बहती नदी के जल में डाल दे ।  शिघ्र ही मंदी का असर जाता रहेगा । व्यापार या नौकरी मे उन्नति होती रहेगी ।
रोगों के कारण किसी के मरने की आशंका हो तो :-
गुड़ को तेल मे मिश्रित करके जिस व्यक्ति के मरने की आशंका हो , उसके सिर पर से 7 बार उतारकर मंगलवार या शानिवार को भैंस को खिला दे  । ऐसा कम से कम 5 मंगलवार या शनिवार को करे । यह उपाए भी किसी लाल किताब के विशेषज्ञ से पूछकर ही करे।
मनोकामना तुरंत पूर्ण होती :-
पीपल के नीचे सरसों तेल का दीपक लगातार 41 दिन तक प्रज्वलित करने से मनोवांछित फलों की प्राप्ति होती है।


Introduction: The Magician is about making higher - and better - use of all of one's power. Spiritual, emotional, and otherwise. This is another card that often signifies new beginnings and great expectations. This is a very powerful, positive omen in a reading. This card reminds us that we have the power to make a difference, in our lives and in the greater world, if we simply make a point to try.
General: You may notice many synchronicities, which point towards deep, spiritual events taking place regardless of the "importance" of their superficial appearances. You should be finding that you have the knowledge, strength, and inspiration needed to meet your challenges. In general this is a very positive time for you.
Work: There will be an improvement in your work/career life. This points to an excellent time to find new work or to ask for and receive a promotion in your current job if that is possible. Particularly if your work is in a creative field, this is a time when your suggestions and work will be met with excellent comprehension and may lead you to "bigger and better things."
Love: If you are in the market for a new romance, this is a time when you are likely to meet someone new. If you're in a long-term relationship, the relationship will very likely seem to rise to new, deeper levels of commitment and enjoyment. This is an excellent time to "get out and meet people."
Finances: Money should be on the upswing when this card appears - even if no feasible way for this to happen is apparent at the time you do your reading. Something will appear that will allow you to make more money, whether this is an idea, a chance to do some work "on the side" or even a new position. Have faith in yourself and your ability to succeed.
Health: If you've been feeling ill, that will most likely end soon; this card signifies strength and/or the return of strength. If you do have some kind of ongoing health issue that hasn't gotten better, you may benefit greatly from undertaking some sort of alternative therapy (nutritional counseling, massage, dietary restriction, and so forth.)
Spirituality: This is an excellent time for you to undertake some form of spiritual study that you've thought about in the past but haven't had the opportunity to pursue. You would benefit, also from discussion groups that are spiritual in origin. A spiritual teacher may appear in your life now. This person will be an excellent mentor and will help you to have a "new lease on life."

The Magician

The Magician

Confident · Creative · Important communications · Skillful · Talented & proficient

The Magician's Meaning

The Magician generally associates with intelligent and skillful communicators. His presence in your spread indicates a level of self-confidence and drive which allows you to translate ideas into action. A practical card, the revelations it brings are best applied to the pragmatic and physical aspects of your life, rather then the ephemeral or theoretical. Your success in upcoming ventures in politics or business will likely hinge upon your own strength of will and determination.


Your confidence and creativity have allowed you to effectively make your ideas into reality. You have found success through intelligence and skillful execution.


Presently, there is a need for your knowledge and skills to influence the changes that are occuring. In order to make the changes beneficial, you must play your cards right.


The future before you is uncertain, presenting both risk and opportunity. The possibilities will be influenced by the friendships you have nurtured and the support you have from those who are close. A triumph or creative success may bring about a new beginning for you.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Magician is symbolic of action and power in your life. Its positive connotations illustrate someone who is a smooth talker and good at all aspects of communication. This card suggests using your strong will power to move forward and take action. The answer to your question is yes.

Key Dates, Timing, and Astrology.

No key dates: ruled by Mercury

Sun in first house for Leo ascendant

Here Sun is lord of the 1st house itself and when placed in own house, it leads to the following auspicious results:
1.Good health.
3.Stong physique.
4.Good status.
5.Authoritative nature.
Sun in the first house is a great position for Leo ascendant and gives results equivalent to Panchmahapurush Yoga. Native confidence makes him conquer any obstacles and they taste victory in all of their endeavors.Sun in the first house also makes them dominate on others, it can also result in egoistic nature especially when Saturn is aspecting Sun in a horoscope.Sun association with planet Mars or Jupiter leads to strong Rajyoga and natives amasses wealth and position in his life.1
.Sun in Leo sign in 1st house is indicating native may be destroy his enemies. He doesn’t tolerate any body oppose him. He has leadership qualities. He is very active so its look like he is impatient. He may be hard working person. He may gets success through his own self efforts. He has fixed or steady attitude. He believes in punished others in their faults.
2.Sun in 1st house in Leo sign is indicating native may be noble person. He is kind and liberal. He has good morality. He may be sattvic by nature. He may be talkative. He may be harsh in behavior.Sun in Leo sign in 1st house is indicating native may be fortunate person. He may be wealthy and rich. He has good name and fame. His life is full with events. He may be blessed by government or authority.Sun in Leo sign in 1st house is indicating native may have attractive personality. He may have coarse physiques and medium height but looking tall. He has natural magnetic attraction on face. He has sound health. He may be suffering from Pittha related problems. He is intelligent.

Sun In 1st House For Cancer Ascendant In Cancer Sign

Here Sun is lord of the second house and in the first house of Cancer ascendant native makes wealth by his own efforts. Sun in ascendant will lead to good amount of wealth especially when Sun is associated with planet Venus.Overall Sun position can be considered as good for money matters but is not supportive of good health of spouse.Sun here also leads to health issues to native also and if the ascendant lord is afflicted then health issues are bound to happen.One more interesting result which is seen with this placement is large appetite and fondness malefic food like meat.
1.Sun in Cancer Sign in 1st house is indicating native may be wealthy and rich. He may be earn through own self efforts. He is very wise in wealth making. He may be selfish regarding own wealth. He may be very sensitive regarding own wealth. He may be taking stress for own wealth.
2.Sun in Cancer Sign is indicating native may be expense his own wealth regarding own comfort and convenience. But in front of domestic happiness he may be suffering. He has not good domestic happiness. He may hates own relatives or family member. He may be suffering from mental stress.
3.Sun in Cancer Sign in 1st house is indicating native may be kind and liberal. He may has royal qualities. But he may be arrogant. He may be egoistic. Native may be emotional and hot temper. He may be very impatient. He may believe in punishment to others on their faults.
4.Sun in Cancer Sign in 1st house is indicating native may be sharp minded. He is brave and courageous. But he has not good self determination. He doesn’t stand on own stand for longer time. Means lack of steadiness. 
5.Sun in Cancer Sign in 1st house is indicating native may be very aggressive regarding own promotion. He likes to talk regarding own self. He has good speaking ability. He may be liberal and kind in speaking. He may be sattvic by nature.
6.Sun in Cancer Sign in 1st house is indticating native may be handsome. He may be attractive and magnetic attraction. He has friendship with royal persons or authorities.
7.Sun in Cancer Sign in 1st house is indicating native may gets parental property. He may getting profits from government or authority or bosses. He may be good name and fame. He may be earn through parental property or parental family business.
8.Sun in Cancer Sign in 1st house is indicating native may have not good health. He may be suffering from Pitta related disease. He may have abdominal problems. He may have digestive problems. He may be suffering from kapha related disease. He may has lungs related problems. He may be suffering from eye sight problems. He may have round face.

Sun In First House For Gemini Ascendant

Sun – Lord or 3rd house is posited in Lagna indicates rash temperament, comforts from brothers, gain or wealth through others. Wealthy and learned. Intelligent and blessed with medium life span. Interested in Astrology and Mathematics.
1) Before knowing the effect of Sun in first house in Gemini Sign we have to know about Sun and 1st house and Gemini ascendant. Sun is placed in 1st house in Gemini Sign so you may read Sun in first house and sun in gemini sign. Sun is 3rd house lord and placed in 1st house so you may read 3rd house lord in 1st house.
 2)Sun in Gemini Sign in 1st house is indicating native may be very brave and courageous. He may has thin physique but physically very strong. He has also very good mental strength.
3)Sun in Gemini Sign in 1st house indicating native may be very self independent. He may believe in his physical strength very much. He may be gets success through his self efforts. He may be proudy by nature. He may be selfish and revenge taker. He doesn’t forgot others mistakes.
4)Sun in Gemini Sign in 1st house is indicating native may be very skilled in communication. He may be friendly by nature. He may be practical in nature. He is very cleaver and intelligent. He has good conduct.
5)Sun in Gemini Sign 1st house is indicating native may be handsome in looking. His face has magnetic attraction.He may be interested in signing, dancing and other arts quality. He has boss type attitude means doesn’t like to pressurized himself but believe in pressurized other. He may crushed his enemy.
6)Sun in Gemini Sign in 1st house is indicating native may be suffering from gastric problems. His health may be be weak in childhood but good after that. He may be angry by temper.

शादी में हो रही है देरी, तो अपनाएं ये वास्तु उपाय

शादी में हो रही है देरी, तो अपनाएं ये वास्तु उपाय :-
शादी से नई जिंदगी की शुरुआत होती है। लेकिन कुछ लड़के-लड़कियों की शादी में काफी दिक्कतें आती हैं। किसी के लिए शादी के रिश्ते नहीं आते, तो किसी की शादी की बात बनते-बनते बिगड़ जाती है। आज हम आपको कुछ ऐसे वास्तु टिप्स बता रहे हैं जिससे आपकी शादी में आ रही बाधाएं दूर हो सकती हैं…
लड़की का कमरा हमेशा घर के उत्तर-पश्चिम दिशा में होना चाहिए। किसी भी स्थिति में यह दक्षिण-पश्चिम दिशा में नहीं होना चाहिए। इससे जीवन में स्थिरता और शादी में अड़चने आती हैं।
अगर मांगलिक होने के चलते विवाह में देरी हो रही है तो कमरे के दरवाजे को लाल या गुलाबी रंग से पेंट करवाएं। इससे मंगल का प्रभाव कम होता है।
विवाह योग्य लड़के-लड़कियों के कमरों का रंग डार्क यानी गहरा नहीं होना चाहिए। दीवारों का रंग चमकीला, पीला, गुलाबी या सफेद होना शुभ होता है।
वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार विवाह योग्य कुंवारे लड़कों का कमरा दक्षिण या पश्चिम दिशा में होना चाहिए।
अगर घर के दक्षिण-पश्चिम दिशा में अंडरग्राउंड पानी का टैंक रखा है तो यह शादी में हो रही देरी का एक बड़ा कारण है।
एक से अधिक दरवाजे वाले कमरे मे सोने से भी शादी के लिए रिश्ते आने में काफी दिक्कतें आती हैं।
आपको अपना बिस्तर इस तरह रखना चाहिए ताकि सोते समय पैर उत्तर और सिर दक्षिण दिशा में हो। सोने के इस नियम की अनदेखी से बचना चाहिए।
विवाह योग्य कुंवारे लड़के-लड़कियों को कभी भी अपने बिस्तर के नीचे लोहे का कोई भी सामान नहीं रखना चाहिए। साथ ही जिन सामानों का अब तक कोई उपयोग न हुआ हो उसे कभी भी बिस्तर के नीचे न रखें।
काले रंग के कपड़े और दूसरी चीजों का इस्तेमाल कम करना चाहिए।