Tuesday 13 August 2019


The 11th house represent our hope, wishes, dreams, aspirations, material achievements, goals, wealth, income, earnings, rewards and friend circles.
Saturn represent hard work/extra effort, boundaries, restrictions, maturity, honesty, practicality, patience, delays, long term goals, responsibilities, seriousness, e.t.c.
When saturn comes into the 11th house, it bring it influence and effect as some matters related to the 11th house face restrictions/delays. We all have hope, wishes and aspirations but these wishes may face some restrictions as saturn often present some trials and we may need to put in more extra effort to make our wishes come true.
We may hope for something but these things may not come when we expected it to come, we don't have to give up, we just have to be honest, patient and keep chasing after our dreams, we can make this happen with some little extra effort. 11th house is wealth, income and earnings, it is 2nd from 10th house, we can say the 11th house represent the wealth of the 10th house, whether we get increments in our salary/wages or whether we get increase earnings in our business is seen from the 11th house. Saturn if in a beneficial position in 11th house can help provide good results in relation to earnings, saturn if not beneficial can disturb earnings, people with this placement may face problems in getting increments in their salary/wealth, they may experience a long period of no increments, likewise, people who do business may experience a long period of no big earnings.
Earnings will be slow, earnings may take time to grow or increase, they may experience some slow progress in earnings at a stage in their life. To have good earnings, these people need to put in more extra efforts, otherwise, earnings may fail to improve, they need to be honest with their goals and expectations.
These people should make friends with people who are honest, responsible, mature, discipline and trustworthy by nature, Saturn can reduce their friend circles as honest friends are rare to find, if these people are able to find such friend then friendship will be long lasting, only few friends will stand with native during difficult times, native will know true and honest friends during difficult times, Saturn will bless native with a friend who will stand with native during both good and difficult times.

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