Wednesday 21 February 2018

शनि_को_कैसे_करें_खुश? #कैसे_आए_जिवनमे_स्थिरता

शनि नाम ही काफी है। यदि कहा गया कि आपकी शनि की साढ़ेसाती है या ढैया है तो बस उसी वक्त से मन मे घबराहट शूरू हो जाती है।
#कर्म के देवता है शनि, ये तो अकसर सुना ही आपने। पर कौन से कर्म? इस जन्म के की पिछले जन्म के की दोनों के?
#वास्तव मे शनि तो सभी प्राणी जीव के कर्मों का ध्यान रखते हैं। कर्म दो प्रकार से होते हैं। 5 ज्ञानेन्द्रियो से और 5 कर्मेन्द्रियों से।
अगर किसी ने आपके बारे मे बुरा कहा और आप गुस्सा हो गए या कुछ अनाबशनाब बोल दिया; हो गया शनि खराब। रास्ते मे किसी के वजह से ट्रैफिक होना; किसी की गाडी आपसे टकरा जाना; जैसी बहोत सारी छोटी बडी घटनाएं रोजमर्रा के जिवन मे होती रहती है।
#आप सोचेगे कि यहा शनि का क्या काम ?
यही पर या एसी विपरीत परिस्थितियों में अगर आपमे मेच्योरिटी हो; आप शांति से पेश आओ और धैर्य बनाकर रखो तो शनि खुश हो जाता है।
#पारिवारिक मतभेदों मे अहम और घमंड रखना, किसी को मदद करके उसको सुनाना, प्यार और विश्वास का दुरूपयोग करना, - इन सारी बुराइयों से आप शनि के खराब परिणाम का स्वागत करते है।
मेच्योर बनना है - वही शनि है।
धैर्य और संयम रखना है - वही शनि का स्वभाव है।
बदला ना लेना - शनि की पसंद है।
जुठ ना बोलना - शनि की प्रगति है।
समाधान रखना - शनि की तुलनात्मकता है।
मन, आत्मा और सद्विचारों की उन्नति के प्रयास करना ही शनि को खुश करने कि मास्टर की है।
आशा करता हूँ कि आपको मेरी पोस्ट अच्छी लगेगी और मन को हमेशा शांत रखने का आपका अभ्यास आज से ही शूरू हो जाएगा

Birth In Scorpio Sign

Physical Appearance.
Scorpions have good personality, well proportioned body, long hands, stature average, broad face, commanding appearance,short and curly hair and muscular body. Tendency to stoutness, often square type of face and robust build of body, prominent brows and dusky complexion unless ascendant is aspected by some malefic planets.
Mental Tendencies.
Scorpio sign is called "KEETA" meaning reptile representing the piosonous Scorpion. This sign represents two types. The higher type people who have control over their senses, others are lower type,will be jealous of others and rude, strong Willed but irreconciable and are indefeatable and seekers of sensuous pleasure.So we can sum up Scorpions as quick, keen, shrewed, critical of penetrating mind and keen judgement. They are self reliant, bold and of fixed views being this a fixed sign. A subtle mind hard to influence, not easily imposed upon,energetic, courageous and sarcastic. A few are of practical nature. Scorpions are interested in occult, chemical research and in mystery. Self assertion, an extremist, have strong likes and dislikes, and have tendency to over ride and keep others under control.Scorpions are best detectives and fond of investigating mysteries and occult.They have intense feeling of emotions, blessed with power of intuition, quite resourceful, they enjoy life from lowest pleasures to highest tone. They are impulsive, forceful, have constructive and destructive ability, they can be frugal and economical, unyielding, and are self-made natives.They lose their temper quickly, get irritated and are highly sexed. Sometimes they get ill repute. They have rational thinking hate gossip, loose talk,black mailing and only concerned with their own work.They are free frank, plain and sarcastic. Cunning but very true, loyal, faithful and reliable. But in case others misbehave or become unfaithful etc., they become revengeful, relentless and selfish. Mr. Max Heindele in "The message of stars" says, Scorpion not only refuse to work themselves but become damagogus who incite others to social fire brands and very dangerous to the community", if the bad side of Scorpio dominates.
Scorpions are lucky in case of finances and in anything they want like
vehicles, wife, business, house, service, etc. but they cannot save the money.They do not want to remains under anybody's control but want to command others. Their domestic life is generally happy. They are good friends but also worst enemies, so life long friendship for them is not possible. They are violent but have complex moods. In love affair they are intense, dynamic and energetic. But to have a pleasant and smooth life with their wife and opposite sex in general, they must have sympathy, good understanding and steady affection and try to cultivate it. They want compliments and appreciation from their partners but cannot withstand with any criticism so one should be careful for marrying a Scorpio girl and check that her ascendant should not be afflicted.
Scorpions can not remain idle, while facing obstacles and hindrances they are at their best talents, and never surrender but fight to the last end. They have fertile imagination Scorpio being a watery sign. Reserved,tanacious, determined and quick witted. Alert, forceful and positive. Often Scorpions are blunt, fond of contest and travel.
Health and Diseases.
Scorpio denotes generative organs, Pelvic bone, bladder,enlargement of prostrate glands, testicles and seminal vesicles. Jupiter Mars in Scorpio cause the diseases of above body parts whereas Saturn causes stone in bladder. 6th house is a house of disease which is Aries for Scorpio ascendant and indicates brain affliction, insomnia, neurolgia, coma, trance and sonambulism.
Finance and Fortune.
Scorpions are lucky for wealth, also they gain through speculations, blessed with money, vehicles, wife, business or good position in service, house, garden etc. They are extravagant. Their income will be substantial as they know how to make and earn money.
Romance and Marriage.
Scorpion are intense, dynamic, energetic in romance and love but of complex moods, Unless Scorpions have sympathy, good understanding and steady affection and try to cultivate they can not have a pleasant smooth life with opposite sex. They cannot tolerate any criticism,but provide full comforts to the wife. The wife of Scorpion will be just,honest, sincere and generally lucky. But when 2,7 and 11th houses are occupied by malefics, difficulties arise in married life.
Scorpion husbands will appreciate the qualities of their wives. He loves his wife, cares more for honour and family prestige. They are rash in temperament, of adjustable nature. A Scorpio husband should never marry a
girl born in Scorpio with adverse aspects to lagna or ascendant and Mars, but
if it receives good aspects or no bad aspects, one cannot get better wife than Scorpio born.
Ideal Match.
Scorpio born suit well to people born in Scorpio, Pisces,Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.
Children and Friends.
Large family, but if Jupiter and Mercury are afflicted one may not have any child. The children will be lucky and intelligent.Scorpion can have friends for long time but if they choose any friend and maintain the same then the relations will last throughout life. Scorpions retaliate and are extremists. To gain from a Scorpion born person you should adjust yourself with him and then you can get a lot from him.
Domestic Environments.
Your basic nature is to boss over others, so you like the same at home. You cannot lead the life without full comforts. Spend more than income. You want to design your home according to your taste.Face troubles boldly and convert them to you advantage. Scorpions are more successful and happy than others.
Scorpio indicates chemistry, medicine, insurance, maternity departments also surgeon, chemists, research work, C.I.D., detectives, iron and steel works, military and naval departments. Good and honourable professions will be occupied by Scorpions.
Traits to be Corrected.
Scorpion should not be sarcastic, over critical,control their temper, try to avoid secret enmity of the ladies and be not selfish.Be patient and wait for the results of his efforts. It the bad side of Scorpio dominates then they are master of creating anarchy, lawlessness and destruction as they are then social fire brand and dangerous to the community.Do not fall prey to the habit of drinking. Revengeful nature be avoided.
Lucky Days, Numbers, Colours and Stones.
Lucky days are Sunday,Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Thursday, whereas Wednesday and Saturdays are not favourable days.Lucky numbers in order are 3,9,4,1,2 and 7. Avoid 5,6 and 8.Lucky colours are Yellow, Red, Orange and Cream. Avoid Blue, Pure White and Green colours.Lucky stone is Yellow, Sapphire or dark Red Coral in gold or copper respectively in 4th finger on Tuesday morning after prayer. Also may use Ruby, coloured pearls for favourable results. But if Mars is afflicted or malefic use Ruby or Red coral plus Pearl in silver or copper in 1st or 4th finger as above.The day of fast is Tuesday for Success and prosperity.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

आये जाने सोने के तरीके और इस से जोड़ा विज्ञान ।।

आये जाने सोने के तरीके और इस से जोड़ा विज्ञान ।।
सूर्यास्त के एक प्रहर (लगभग 3 घंटे) के बाद ही शयन करना।
सोने की मुद्राऐं:
उल्टा सोये भोगी,
सीधा सोये योगी,
बाऐं सोये निरोगी,
दांऐं सोये रोगी।
शास्त्रीय विधान भी है।
आयुर्वेद में ‘वामकुक्षि’ की बात आती हैं,
बायीं करवट सोना स्वास्थ्य के लिये हितकर हैं।
शरीर विज्ञान के अनुसार चित सोने से रीढ़ की हड्डी को नुकसान और औधा या ऊल्टा सोने से आँखे बिगडती है।
सोते समय कितने गायत्री मंन्त्र /नवकार मंन्त्र गिने जाए :-
"सूतां सात, उठता आठ”सोते वक्त सात भय को दूर करने के लिए सात मंन्त्र गिनें और उठते वक्त आठ कर्मो को दूर करने के लिए आठ मंन्त्र गिनें।
"सात भय:-"
अकस्मात ,वेदना,मरण ,
अश्लोक (भय)
दिशा घ्यान:-
दक्षिणदिशा (South) में पाँव रखकर कभी सोना नहीं । यम और दुष्टदेवों का निवास है ।कान में हवा भरती है । मस्तिष्क में रक्त का संचार कम को जाता है स्मृति- भ्रंश,मौत व असंख्य बीमारियाँ होती है।
यह बात वैज्ञानिकों ने एवं वास्तुविदों ने भी जाहिर की है।
1:- पूर्व ( E ) दिशा में मस्तक रखकर सोने से विद्या की प्राप्ति होती है।
2:-दक्षिण ( S ) में मस्तक रखकर सोने से धनलाभ व आरोग्य लाभ होता है ।
3:-पश्चिम( W ) में मस्तक रखकर सोने से प्रबल चिंता होती है ।
4:-उत्तर ( N ) में मस्तक रखकर सोने से मृत्यु और हानि होती है ।
अन्य धर्गग्रंथों में शयनविधि में और भी बातें सावधानी के तौर पर बताई गई है ।
विशेष शयन की सावधानियाँ:-
1:-मस्तक और पाँव की तरफ दीपक रखना नहीं। दीपक बायीं या दायीं और कम से कम 5 हाथ दूर होना चाहिये।
2:-सोते समय मस्तक दिवार से कम से कम 3 हाथ दूर होना चाहिये।
3:-संध्याकाल में निद्रा नहीं लेनी।
4:-शय्या पर बैठे-बैठे निद्रा नहीं लेनी।
5:-द्वार के उंबरे/ देहरी/थलेटी/चौकट पर मस्तक रखकर नींद न लें।
6:-ह्रदय पर हाथ रखकर,छत के पाट या बीम के नीचें और पाँव पर पाँव चढ़ाकर निद्रा न ले।
7:-सूर्यास्त के पहले सोना नहीं।
7:-पाँव की और शय्या ऊँची हो तो अशुभ है। केवल चिकित्स उपचार हेतु छूट हैं ।
8:- शय्या पर बैठकर खाना-पीना अशुभ है। (बेड टी पीने वाले सावधान)
9:- सोते सोते पढना नहीं।
10:-सोते-सोते तंम्बाकू चबाना नहीं। (मुंह में गुटखा रखकर सोने वाले चेत जाएँ )
11:-ललाट पर तिलक रखकर सोना अशुभ है (इसलिये सोते वक्त तिलक मिटाने का कहा जाता है। )

कुछ उपाय दिमाग तेज करने के लिये (students)

कुछ उपाय दिमाग तेज करने के लिये (students)
* सुबह स्वच्छ होकर आदित्य हृदय स्त्रोत का पाठ , साथ में चन्द्र के लिए चन्द्रमा की निचे बैठकर ध्यान लगाना|
* चन्द्र गृह माता से जुडा हुआ होता है , तो अगर आपको अच्छा दिमाग चाहिए तो माता के साथ अच्छा व्यवहार करे , उनकी सेवा करे , उनका आदर करे , और चन्द्रमा की रोशनी में अपनी माता के साथ बैठकर बातें करे , अद्भुत लाभ मिलता है , आजकल के बच्चो को इस बात का ध्यान रखना चाहिए की अपने माता यानी चन्द्र और पिता यानी सूर्य का बहुत आदर सम्मान करना चाहिए , जो आजकल कम होता जा रहा है, प्रतिस्पर्धा बढती जा रहा है जिसमें अच्छा दिमाग चाहिए ही चाहिए , पर माता पिता से अच्छे सम्बन्ध सिर्फ अच्छे दिमाग के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि जीवन को आसान एवं खुशहाल बनाने के लिए रखें |
* गाजर या हरी सब्जियां का सेवन करे , और गौ को गुरूवार के दिन गाजर खिलाने से उच्च कोटि के दिमाग की प्राप्ति होती है |
* पड़ने से पहेले ताम्बे या चांदी के गिलास में पानी पिए |
* जब भी आप दिमाग से जुदा काम कर रहे हो ध्यान रखें की आप नंगे पैर न रहे यानी की आपका पाँव जमीन पर नहीं छूना चाहिए , और जब भी घर में घुमे तो चप्पल पहनकर घुमे , नंगे पाँव घुमने से शारीर की शक्ति का नाश होता है , जिससे दिमाग पर काफी असर पड़ता है |
* सोने से पहेले सौंफ का पानी पियें , इससे आपकी स्मरण शक्ति मंजबूत होती है |
* मैदा , junk food , तला भुना एकदम बंद करना चाहिए , आवला , vitamin A , C , D और E लेना शुरू करना चाहिए |
* गर्मियों में बेल , और सर्दियों में पपीता खाना चाहिए , दूध सूर्यास्त से पहेले नहीं लेना चाहिए |
* अगर आपको concentration की कमी सताती है तो अपने कमरे में चन्दन की महक रखे |
* विद्यार्थियों को छोटा ही सही एक board रखना चाहिए जिसमें वो अपनी पड़ाई से जुडी महत्वपूर्ण चीजें , टाइम टेबल , और उन व्यक्तियों के चित्र लगाने चाहिए जो आपको आगे बड़ने की प्रेरणा देते है , आप यह सब चीजें board पर अपने सामने देखते रहेंगे तो आपको आगे बढ़ने की ताकत मिलती रहेगी |
* अगर आपको nervousness , कमज़ोरी होती है परीक्षा से पहले या किसी भी महत्वपूर्ण काम से पहले , डर लगता है , तो अपनी टेबल पर दीपक जलाकर रखे , यह समस्या धीरे धीरे कम होने लगेगी |

Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - (5) The Hierophant Reversed

Introduction: When reversed, the Hierophant is still very much about "doing the right thing." In reversal, however, it indicates a more-than-normal level of confusion about what exactly the right thing is. The answers are within you… if, that is, you have enough information about the situations at hand. In this reversal suggests that you may need to dig a little deeper to find out “what’s what.” Remember that the "right" thing is what is right for you also.
General: The reversed Hierophant can indicate that others don’t really understand where you are coming from or why you think a certain course of action is the right one. It is not always necessary that your nearest and dearest “get it” or agree, once you have made a solid decision.
Work: Although you may be surrounded by and/or receiving advice from some very solid, and helpful, and savvy mentor(s), when the Hierophant appears reversed you may need to agree to disagree with at least one of them on at least one point. To thine own self be true. That is crucial now.
Love: When the reversed Hierophant appears, you may be getting weary of the same-old same-old in relationships and may have a longing to step outside of your usual and accepted roles and routines. Honor that, but tread lightly, if so. The Hierophant has a relationship to the traditional and established way of doing things. Push too far too fast and you could well alienate (or even lose) your relationship! So caution is needed.
Finances: As with the upright meaning of this card, this is a time to play by the rules and to use down-to-earth, normal, traditional ways to handle your money. Gambling is not likely to pay off now in any form. Seek the advice of bankers and professional money managers and/or people with more experience dealing with money than you have. This is a good time for investments, provided they are conservative and stable. This is not a good time for taking chances with money or going for "unusual" stocks, bonds, etc.
Health: You may need to make some changes to your typical health regime. It’s good to have rituals and positive habits when this card appears, it is not, however, good to be completely inflexible. If you have a long-standing health challenge which has not seemed to get any better, this is a good time to perhaps seek a second opinion or try a more esoteric healing method—anything from massage to careful attention to diet and substance intake may make a big difference now.
Spirituality: As with the upright Hierophant, the indication here is that you are or ought to be very much concerned with spirituality now (even if you don't have anything approximating a "traditional" religious belief. You will benefit from making a point to take regular time, even if you don't attend a "traditional" house of worship - to quiet yourself and allow your spirit some space to expand. What matters here is the regularity of it - whether it's daily, weekly; whatever you can make time for. You will see changes in your life and outlook as a result of making this effort. If you haven’t the faintest idea of where or how to begin, reach out to others, read, experiment with different approaches.

Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - (5) The Hierophant

Introduction: The Hierophant is very much about "doing the right thing." You may be struggling with an issue and are unsure about what is "right" for you to do. Know that the answers are within you. Remember that the "right" thing is what is right for you also.
General: This is also a card that is very much about spirituality - everything from traditional religion to earth-centered spirituality and any other spiritual notion that you can conceive of. There may be a tension between your idea of spirituality and the "right thing" and the ideas of others around you. Stand up for your own beliefs. The "rules" and the "system" of doing things are probably playing a major role now. Rituals of any sort will be helpful to you now, even if it's just "a movie with friends every th
ird Saturday."
Work: You may find that a teacher or mentor of some sort that you have been needing appears in your life now…and/or you could be called upon to be that teacher or mentor for someone else. This is a good time to get involved with groups even if you don't think of yourself as a "group person," as you will find that you have much to learn from them (in a very positive way.) Work should be going very well provided you are able to be organized and work within the rules.
Love: Romance also is likely to be going very well, although in a pretty traditional way (i.e. these energies will work best for you if you can conduct yourself in whatever way someone in your shoes is "expected" to be. Now is not the time to "buck the system" or to be unconventional any more than you have to be.
Finances: This is a time to play by the rules and to use down-to-earth, normal, traditional ways to handle your money. Seek the advice of bankers and professional money managers and/or people with more experience dealing with money than you have. This is a good time for investments, provided they are conservative and stable. This is not a good time for taking chances with money or going for "unusual" stocks, bonds, etc.
Health: Ritual of any kind is helpful to you now. If you have health challenges, discipline, order, and commitment - in whatever way that makes sense to you - is the way to go about it. "Traditional" therapeutic means also have a high chance of success now.
Spirituality: You are very much concerned with spirituality now (even if you don't have anything approximating a "traditional" religious belief. Make regular time, even if you don't attend a "traditional" house of worship - to quiet yourself and allow your spirit some time to expand. What matters here is the regularity of it - whether it's daily, weekly; whatever you can make time for. You will see changes in your life and outlook as a result of giving yourself this time.