Monday 2 April 2018


Saturn afflicted by Mars can create restlessness and anger and a desire to change everything. Saturn will also be anxious through most of April as Mars moves through Sagittarius but the strongest impulses may be through April 6th and April 15th.  Frustration with your life is up and particularly connected to the house that is owned by Sagittarius.
You are going to have to get used to it or drive yourself crazy with wanting to change jobs, relationships, homes, routines.  Change is good but will it really resolve the restless feelings inside?   Handle the restlessness with yoga and meditation and diet and then evaluate more severe changes in the light of common sense when the planets are strongly and when the mind is clear.  People think that if they change the outer, than there life will be better. Sometimes there is just a need to accept what is in a job and relationship and be at peace.   If there are difficult challenges that are abusive, use the energy to move through the impasse and make change.  Still you may want to  wait for a clearer decision making time probably the first few weeks of May when things should lighten up a bit.
The Vedic texts remind us that everything is always changing. The moon spends 2.5 days in a sign and if are emotions are really strong, wait 3 days and it will probably get better. And then again nothing is really changing on the level of eternity in our soul.  Moreover, some  problems have very deep karma connected to them like 12th house karma and it may take a whole life or lifetimes to get through. Remember that nothing will ever change and find the courage to live your life with a deep level of acceptance or work very deeply on those 12th house patterns and if you can get them free, then you might have a chance for mokhsa or enlightenment if you have the grace of a Divine master in your life.  Find the courage of the lion to face your deepest challenge and rise up and change those. That is why you are here on the planet.
When Saturn is unhappy, it tends to be more fearful and creates this sense of dread. When it is solid, it is Capricorn the mountain, unshakable.  You can ground Saturn by being more in your body with walking, the chair pose in yoga, deep knee bends, extra yoga and slow exercise and Tai Chi.  Avoid cold drinks and dry foods and  favor sipping hot water and slowing down and eating hot unctuous meals.   Exercise is grounding but slower is better and running can be intense for many unless you have a really kalpha body or are Taurus rising and need heavy exercise to get unstuck.
An unhappy Saturn can lead to a lot of grumbling so remember to do your gratitude exercises everyday to replace all the thing that are not right with those that are.  (Chair pose below grounds the base chakra to the earth to create more stability.)


Mars is feared in relationship compatibility because if our partner gets too caught in their ego or doing it their way or is too selfish or unbending, then Venus gets overpowered. Secret of relationship is harmonizing and compromising and when Mars gets stuck then it seems that nothing will move it.  Men are ruled by Mars and so by nature they naturally are attached to their way and their ego and they do want to fight with another woman over who is right.
The secret with Kuja Dosha or too much ego in relationship is to support your partner and being a hero and thinking that they are getting their way.   Rather than make your partner wrong and fight, use you creativity to get what you need.  Instead of ordering your spouse to take out the garbage and or clean, up, make him a hero. “I’m really not feeling well today. Could you help me with my errands or the dishes today.”  Ask a question to your man and make a him a question.  Could find time to pick up the kids today so I can make that great dinner for you?”   Mars want to be a hero so make your spouse a hero and you can melt some kuja dosa.
The astrology of Mars in marriage charts does not occur as often as your village priest or local astrologer would have you think it might.  There are all kinds of cancellations but it is particularly difficult in Gemini and Virgo rising signs or rising Navamsha signs since Mars and Mercury are bitter enemies.  Specifically Kuja dosha or problems with marital life occur when Mars is in the following houses in the natal chart or the D-9 Navamsha chart :
When Mars is most afflicted and Kuja dosha is not cancelled out, the following issues can arise from Mars in the following houses:
2nd house:  Family life is impacted;  financial problems may impact marital life; sexual energy may be misused;  tendency toward harsh speech and cursing and communication problems and misunderstandings between partners.
4th house:  Troubled childhood and broken relationship with mother  or early separation may impact marriage and  and family life can lead to aggression, disturbed home life, frequent quarrels.
7th House:  Fighting and quarreling with partners; aggressive sexual energy may be problematic; partners may be selfish or angry or impolite or inconsiderate;  early intimacy and sexual passion is mistaken for love and leads to early marital disharmony.
8th house :  Can lead to being a victim and a victimizer, broken relationships; problems with scandals; reproductive problems that may lead to fighting; problems with joint finance.   Thought to bring early death of the spouse, accidents, problems with in-laws if severely afflicted.
12th house:  Can disrupt sexual relationships with couples;  over-spending can lead to fighting; create distrust in marriage and inability to sacrifice in marriage because personal ego may disallow the need to sacrifice and compromise;  conflict sometimes between celibacy and intimacy can lead to marital fighting.
People are quick to see Kuja dosha and declare it in a chart but there are many modification of this problem:
1) Firstly it tends to be more of a problem before the Age of 28 when Mars matures so older couples with this issue in their charts may have learned the lessons.
2) If both partners have Kuja dosha, it is thought that one’s aggression will not harm the other partner as there will be “fit competition” and the ability to  duke it out in a free-spirited and feisty manner.
In reality this is not a solution as marriage is about Venus and harmony but some couples like the fire of fighting and the ultimate passion that can come and sometimes this can work for a little while but ultimately, Venus and the female will get tired and be out of her dharma and natural element and this will weigh on the relationship.  The reality of this situation is beyond the simplicity rule that two people with Kuja dosha can marry each other.
One will find Kuja dosha in many charts because there is such a broad chance that it can happen and particularly since you have to include the D-9 and Navamsha chart in analysis.
Still for those of you who are unmarried or worried about your Kuja dosha or Martian blemish, you should know it is modified and not made as difficult  by the following complicated rules:
1) Mars in the 2nd or 7th in a female chart or Mars in the 1st, 4th or 8th in a male chart.
2) Mars in Libra in the 1st, 2nd or 8th.
3) Mars in association (conjunction, aspect, positive yoga) either by Jupiter or Mercury if Jupiter or Mercury have dignity by sign or house position.
4) Mars in Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses.
5) Mars in the 2nd if in Gemini or Virgo
6) Mars in the 4th if in Taurus or Libra.
7) Mars in the 12th if in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo or Libra.
8) Mars and the Moon together in the same house creates a Chandra Mangala Yoga.
In looking for Kuja dosha, one wants to compare and match two people
1) Who have no kuja at all and have a rare pure chart.
2) Those who have modified Kuja dosha described above.
3) Those who have unmodified kuja dosha and enjoy duking it out in battle.
Ultimately when one partner has much more kuja dosha then the others, the marriage is doomed.
Since Kuja dosha is so common, one has really learn how to navigate it and be aware of one’s issues around ego and lack of compromise to get through it. The quick fix of getting a Vedic ceremony may temporarily work but without awareness of how your Martian energy shows up an a relationship, it will not end be resolved with work on changing your patterns. It is like Bill Murray in the movie Ground Hog Day.  He has to become aware though life-times of messing up and changing patterns to win the girl at the end.
Ways to Overcome Kuja Dosha
1)  Marry after the age of 28 and date a lot and become aware of how your Martian ego and controlling nature or fighting nature shows up.
2) Find a partner that you can fight with in a fun and loving manner with passion where the Martian energy increases the passion and you can get beyond it.
3) Do Hanuman Chalisa regularly to remedy this situation.
4) Engage in professional counseling.
5) Learn to say yes to your partner and compromise and be willing to let go of your need to have it your way.  Be aware of your need to control, dominate.  Find ways to manage your anger.
6) Heal your relationship from childhood and your mother (Mars in the 2nd and 4th)
7) Stay away from hot and spicy foods and calm pitta dosha so that sexual aggression and fighting can be handled.
8) Learn to handle finances jointly and equitably (Mars in the 8th and 12th) by getting financial counseling and gaining trust.  Create separate finances and checking accounts so that there is no quarreling in this area and plan joint finances carefully so there is no resentment.

Twin births and classics of astrology.

Chapter 4,Stanza-14 Brihat jataka- If moon and venus are in even signs and Mercury,mars ,jupiter and Lagna in odd signs,Twins are born of whom one is Male other Female.

Lagna and moon in even houses aspected by male planets Produce the same effect.

Powerful Mercury,Mars,Jupiter are in even signs .

If planets and lagna are in common amsas aspected by mercury in own amsa three children are born,ofwhic two will be of sex of amsa occupied by Mercury and other of opposite sex.

If lagna is in dhanus or falls in that amsaIf all the  planets are powerful and  occupy that amsa and are aspected by Saturn and Mercury it indicates birth of many children.

(The planets can be in any rashis but in Navamsa of Sagittarius)

 BPHS- Chapter 13

Sun in signs- Aries,Taurus,Leo,Sagittarius,(Capricorn( beginning)  and rest of planets are powerful in common signs then twin birth can be indicated.

If there is Rahu in Lagna and Moon aspects it and there is Saturn and jupiter in Navamsa of Lagna then also twin birth can be indicated.

Bhagya Vs Freewill.

lthough many examples can be cited, taking a look at the life of two eminent personalities of India would suffice our contention. The first of the two is Verghese Kurien, the father of white revolution in India, while the second is Prof. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam,who is tipped to become the next President of the country.

When Kurien applied for the Government of India scholarship to pursue higher education (he was a mechanical engineer) in the U.S., he was told that there was no scholarship left in his field and he could avail one in dairy technology. Finding no other alternative he opted for it but when he reached U.S., he was told that he could pursue education in the field of his choice. This came as a pleasant surprise to him and provided the much needed respite. When he came back to India, he was asked to go to Gujarat where the Amul Cooperative was being set up. One had to serve the government for a stipulated period as it was the government which had sponsored the trip. All his arguments and pleadings that he be given an assignment in his field fell on deaf ears. With heavy heart he went there, with the intention of leaving once the bond period was over. But destiny had something else in store for him. He worked there for whole life, and the rest is history. A mechanical engineer finally ended up working all his life among cows and cattle. It was probably in his destiny to be in such a profession. Although it did not happen at the first instance when Kurien went abroad, but got manifested when he returned.
The case of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is also similar. He wanted to become a fighter pilot. But he failed to make it, which left him dejected and drew him towards spiritualism. But an ardent `Karmayogi' that he was, Kalam did not lose hope and instead decided to make planes, even as he could not fly one. The journey in which he forayed, made him the most eminent defence scientist of the country.

Had he become a fighter pilot, India would have probably lost a great scientist. Contrarily, had he stopped performing `Karma' after failing to become a fighter pilot (which was his primary objective) he probably would have been lost in the oblivion. But as it was in his destiny to become powerful and eminent, which was supplemented by continuous `Karma' (action) in right direction. He became A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the father of Indian missile system.

What is clear from these two cases is that one has to perform `Nishkama Karma' (Karma without desire). Gita says "Karmanye vadika raste ma phaleshu kadachana", which means that one should go on performing action without thinking about the result. One has to remember that success is not in his hands. He will get the desired result if God has stored it in his destiny.

My conclusion- Its very important to make efforts but the outcome is not entirely in your hands there is this force bhagya or destiny that plays the role.

Cancellation of debilation status of planet

According to B.V. Raman following 11 condition cancels the debilitation.

1) Lord of the sign occupied by a debilitated planet, placed in a Kendra (angle)
from the Lagna or the Moon.
2) The planet which gets exalted in the sign where a planet is debilitated is in
a Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon.
3) The lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet is posited in a
Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon.
4) A neecha planet exalted in the Navamsa.

5) A debilitated planet being aspected by another debilitated planet.
6) Lord of the Navamsa occupied by a debilitated planet in a Kendra (angle) or
trikona (trine); the ascendant being a movable sign or the lord of the ascendant
is in a movable Navamsa.
7) Lord of the Rasi where a planet is debilitated is in a trine from the Lagna
or the Moon.
8) The planet that gets exalted in the sign where the planet is debilitated, is
in a trine to the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet.

9) The lords of the debilitation and exaltation signs are in mutual kendras
10) A debilitated planet, aspected by the lord of the sign, situated in an
auspicious house.
11) Lord of the Rasi in which a planet is debilitated or the lord of the
planet̢۪s exaltation sign, or the planet who gets exalted there is in a trine
from the Lagna or the Moon

Planets In The Eighth House-And medical astrology

The 8th House rules diseases and death. This is the most important malefic house in a horoscope. The 8th lord is the most malefic planet and he can destroy any Bhava or House. The 8th lord in the 8th is considered to be good for longevity, but a weak constitution will be conferred. Saturn, the Ayus Karaka or significator of longevity is considered good in the 8th. All sorts of misfortunes are given by the lord of the 8th.

The 8th House indicates disease, defeat, punishments, accidents, longevity, mode of death & surgery.

To understand whether a disease will be chronic, study the 8th house in detail. Malefic planets spoil the 8th house significations.

The malefic houses in Astrology are known as Trika houses, viz, 6, 8 & 12.

Shastam tadha dwadasa mashtamam cha

Bhavan Anishtal pravadanti that jna

Saturn, Rahu and Mercury in the 8th House indicate that the disease may make a chronic turn.

The first decanate or Drekkana of the Eighth House represents the first 1/3 rd of the body, the second Drekkana or decanate the second half and third, the third half.

We have said that the 8th house is the house of Diseases and Death.

Whenever the lord of the 8th house is afflicted by malefic planets, the native undergoes operation connected with reproductive organs and sex.

Diseases caused by Different planets in the Eighth House

Sun in the 8th - Causes high fever, eye sight defects, urinary tract infections. palpitations and migraine. Sun in the Eighth is not at all desirable for Health.

Moon in the 8th - In the EIghth House, Moon causes mental tension, as he rules the Psyche ( Mano Matharo Sheetharashmi ). Generally not conducive to good health, Luna can cause Diarrohea.

Mars in the 8th - Tumors, boils, accidents, operations are all caused by Mars. He is the planet of Surgery. Mental aberrations are also caused by him, if he be conjunct with the Moon. Eighth Mars makes one over-sexed.

The North Node - Ulcers are caused by this shadowy planet. Eighth Rahu can create immense mental tension, as he will not allow mental peace to reign supreme. For females, he will create incompatibility of temperament with spouse and sometimes widowhood.

Jupiter in the EIghth - Although he is the least harmful planet in the House of Death, it causes pancreatic diseseas and jaundice. He may give luck and a regal life, but sleeping sickness, gall bladder disease are also caused.

Venus in the Eighth causes sexual weakness and diabetes. Diseases of the bladder and an inferiority complex due to mental fluctuations. Even though Venus in the House of Death is extolled for conferring longevity, financial prosperity and good fortune, he can give health hazards

Saturn in the Eighth is extolled for longevity ( Ashtamasthe Sani Ista Thasyal ). But a long suffering life is indicated, as Saturn can give immense sorrow. There will be a yearning for getting away from it all. Paralysis and tumors caused by this melancholy planet become chronic.

Mercury in the House of Death causes paralysis and nervous diseases. There may be longivity due to the principle that a benefic increases longevity when posited in the Eighth, but a weak constitution will be conferred.

South Node in the Eighth causes ulcers and accidents. Mental fluctuations, quarrels with spouse, operations in the region of the sex organs. Causes pain and discomfort. If posited with Moon, suicidal tendencies.

8*th house and female horoscopes

Sun in the 8th house may cause widowhood or severe calamity to the husband whereby the native will be drowned in sorrow. Moon in the 8th house may make one cruel, ugly, ill-dressed, angry and even aggrieved and if the Moon is weak, he may make her a widow or cause severe adversity to the husband and even otherwise she may not have conjugal happiness. Mars in the 8th house indicates that the native might be a prostitute and if such Mars is in conjunction with a malefic, the native will have no husband or she will become a widow or reject her husband and accept a paramour. If Mars in the 8th house in the horoscope of a male is likely to cause his own death. Mars in the 8th in the natal chart of a female will cause her husband's death. Thus there is Kuja dosha in both cases. Mercury in the 8th house may make the native commit sinful acts, be cruel and unrighteous and she may become a widow or be a grief stricken on account of severe mishap to the husband if Mercury gets afflicted. Jupiter in the 8th house denotes loss of children. The native may have abortions or the children may die early if Guru is in the 8th in his own house. If Guru is in the 8th house is with Kuja, the pregnancy may end in miscarriage. Sukra in the 8th house makes the native haughty, aggrieved but resourceful, cruel, cheating in nature, ill dressed and unrighteous. If Sukra is weak, the natives is likely to become a widow and more so, if in conjunction with Kuja. In any case, she will be quite unhappy with regard to her married life. Sani in the 8th house may make the native a widow especially if aspected by Kuja, sinful, cruel, unrighteous, dishonest and cheating in nature and her husband will always be sick or her married life will be with no romance and charmless. Rahu in the 8th house is said to be a Vishakanaya or one who violates the tradition of her family and becomes a widow. If the week moon is also in the 8th house with Rahu, widowhood is almost certain. If this combination of Rahu, Chandra has the aspect of Kuja, the native may become a widow in her 18th or 36th year. Ketu in the eighth house is likely to make the native a widow in life, probably during the Dasa of Ketu is not associated or aspected by a strong malefic.
Before proceeding for marriage alliance, it is advised the readers to take into consideration of the 8th house and its aspects on and take a professional astrologer's guidance. Mere matching of stars is not sufficient and in depth analysis is advised for a happy life. During my three decades of experience, we found that success rate is more than 80 to 90 percent after careful analysis of the natal charts of both the boy as well as girl.

Chandar mangal yoga

Chandra Mangala Yoga is actually yuti or conjunction of Chandra and Mangala in any house. Grahas conjoined Chandra do the following: 1. They do influence the pranas, longevity and health 2. They create the tide (grahana) within our mind, and influence the mental and emotional aptitude 3. They impose their infleunce on our attitude and social consciousness. They show external desires of the mind. Please, caculate the guna chakra so that you can understand the change of Gunas and predominant guna and graha over this conjunction.Therefore, this conjunction gives following effects in short: 1. strong pranas however they are moving and consuming fast, good vitality, dangerous for longevity or accidents, heart /blood related problems, 2. fighting mind and spirit, self protective, desire to rule and influence others, desire to top the soceity in chosen subject, irritated, aggressive, vindictive and dangerous, oppresive 3. family suffers, spouse suffers, not giving, extremes in social behaviour etc Most of classical texts list this yoga as a wealth giving combination. Chandra is the giver of resources, and first Mother gives to Agni tatva, the energy. Therefore, the first exchange is on the level of Chandra and Mangala. So this Yoga indeed gives wealth. Both grahas are karakas for the 4th house (chandra is overall karaka, while Mangal is karaka for lands, territory). To understand this better one should understand chandra yogas and 5 tatvas as 5 types of wealth in modern society. So Chandra Mangala Yoga indeed gives one type of wealth. The main difference lies in the house where chandra and mangala are placed. THere are different infleunces on the houses: In the Lagna, Mangal is stronger,2nd bhava- Chandra is stronger,3rd bhava- Mangal is stronger,4. bhava-Chandra is stronger,5. bhava-Mangal is stronger,6. bhava- Mangal is stronger,7.bhava-Chandra is stronger,8. bhava-Mangal is stronger,9. bhava-Mangal is stronger,10.bhava-Mangal is stronger,11. bhava-Chandra is stronger,12.bhava-Chandra is stronger. Therefore, each house will decide which planet among two, Chandra or Mangal dominates the Yoga. IF chandra is stronger, satvic qualities dominate the Yoga, and bad shades of Yogas are lesser. Rudra turns calms down due to the blessing of Devi- Mother If mangal dominates the Yoga, Rudra is very angry and can create serious problems Lagna- a lot depends on Signs, in Mesha, Vrishaba and Karka, this Yoga is very Good, otherwise, health may suffer. 2. In 2nd house this Yoga gives wealth and prosperity, however heart problems or accidents. 3. In 3rd house this Yoga gives dynamism and love for change of environment, worried mind and troubles, yet partner may die early. 4. In 4th house yoga is excellent, however a person lacks drive, initiative and is not physically but mentally strong. Brothers and sisters are damaged 5. In the 5th house, this Yoga causes rash and troublesome nature, but power. Mother will suffer 6. In 6th house, this Yoga causes accidents and problems, enemies, troubles to children 7. In 7th house, this Yoga gives wealth, popularity, yet harms marriage, relationships and gives heart troubles, yet a person will destroy enemies 8. In 8th house Yoga is most destructive, it gives inheritance and money yet may cut longevity. IT can also kill spouse 9. In 9th house this Yoga gives power, authority, prosperity yet short life or accidents 10. In 10th house this Yoga gives physical strength, profitable job/carreer, yet mental weakness, troubles to father 11. In 11th house this Yoga gives a lot of friends and social activity, and social concerns and good income, yet a person may lack an ambition if Mangal is in a weak sign. 12. In 12th house, this Yoga gives deformity, expanses, foreign luck, debts, destroys elder siblings and friends

Suneet Narula Garg